Sam Imagine 5

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Sam Conte- hungry, a joker and a cool kid. But to you he was the sweetest boy you knew. He would kiss you at random, surprise you with little gifts and be there for you.

But recently everything has been different. He was always hanging around Mia, avoiding you and keeping secrets. You were fed up with him, and today decided to get some help from the other 3 boys. You walked up towards them, and noticed Sam talking to them quietly. Felix notices you, and nudges Sam, who quickly turns around, a goofy grin on his face.

" Hey baby, whats up?" He asks, pulling you to him. You weakly smile and peck him on the lips

"Nothing Sammy." You say.

"OK, that's good. Look I gotta go and help Mia study for exams. I'll see you later tonight?" He asks.

"Um sure." You say to where he was previously standing. You sigh and look at the boys. And comes to you and hugs you. You fall into his arms, trying to suppress the sobs coming from your mouth. But you fail, and Andy sighs. After a while you pull away and wipe the tears from your eyes.

"Maybe it's time." Felix whispers to you. You sigh, and slowly nod. You hated being treated like this, like you were his second option. It was like Sam wasn't really in this relationship.

"Yeah, I'll tell him tonight" You say, gulping. The others nod, and decide that Jake will take you home. He takes your book bag and hand and leads you out of the school yard. You lean into his side as you walk down the lonely.

"He really likes you Y/N. He talks about you every day, how amazing you." Jake says. You sigh.

"Really Jake? Because at the moment he seems pretty infatuated with Mia." You say. At that moment you arrive at your house, and you take you bag from Jake and walk into your house.


Later that night you receive a text from Sam.

-Look out your window darling-

You open your curtains and gasp. The tree outside your room is lit up with little fairy lights, and beneath it is Sam, in a dark blue button up and red skinny jeans.

You throw on a jacket and run out side.

"What are you doing here Sam?" You ask. He gulps and pulls out a box.

"I know I've been a little distant for the last few days and hanging with Mia. But I was looking for something with her." He says. He opens the box and a ring sits in it. It's silver with a woven pattern. He takes your hand and slides the ring onto your finger.

"Sam." You say, before you feel lips on yours. You smile- your plan out the window. His arms wrap around you and pull you closer, and your arms hand=g onto his shoulders.

" I think I love you." He whispers against your lips. You kiss him this time, holding him to you.

"I love you to Sammy." You say. He smiles when he pulls away.

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