Sam Imagine

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(Ok, lets just imagine that Saskia is still real and Andy is with Ellen and Felix with Spencer.) :)

It was hot, like 40 degrees celcius hot. The kind of heat that you can only stay indoors and close every window, pull down every blind and turn on every air conditionor. But instead you were at the beach, joining the thousands of people on the hot sand with your friends and boyfriend.

With the sun streaming down on you, you dived into the clear blue water, looking around at the people on the beach infront of you. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist, as Sam popped up from the water with a smirk on his face. His brown hair was stuck against his forehead, and his body was cool to the touch, glistening with salt water.

"Having fun?" He asked, leaning his chin on your shoulder, and looking out onto the horizon with you. You nodded, noticing Saskia and Jake coming towards the two of you, hand in hand. The two of them looked so happy, finally free of Alice. They were able to be together, spend time together and just be normal teenagers, now that Saskie was human.

You smiled as they came over. This was how you wanted the summer to be. An amazing time with friends in the hot Australian weather.

You felt cold water hit the back of your neck, and you spun around to face a very soaked Spencer, her ginger hair plasted to her head, and a cheeky smile on her lips. She smirked and pointed an innocent finger to her boyfriend Felix. You shook your head, lunging for your best friend, pulling her down into the water as the others laughed around you. She fell down under you, fighting your strong grip. And then you pulled the both of you to the air, gasping for air like fish.

You swung an arm over her shoulder, the two of you standing next to each other, as you admired your boyfriends. And soon Ellen stood next to you, pushing Andy over to the boys. Her face was still in her resting bitch face, and you laughed when she slipped on the sand, crashing into the water. As she came out, she sent you guys a small glare, before letting out a laugh.

This is what summer was all about. Having fun. And you loved every moment of it.

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