Imagine For JStaff_14

942 15 3

Felix's P.O.V

I was set for just another boring school day, walking through the halls and being avoided by basiclly everyone. Hell, again.  But there she was, standing at the front of the class, wearing a black dress and black Doc Martins. As Bates introduced her to the rest of the class, I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. I turned around in my plastic chair to come face to face with Jake and Sam smirking at me. They winked, their eyes flickering from the new girl to me. I groaned, wiping my hand over my face. 

I put my head in my hands as my friends started to make kissing noises behind me. Immature jerks. I admit she was pretty, with her red curly hair cascading around her shoulders with purple highlights. Her violet eyes were pierceing, focusing on every little thing that surrounded her.

And before I can even blink, she slowly sits down next to me under the instruction of Mr Bates. My eyes flicker towards her, watching as she pulls out her phone and pushes a ear bud into her ear, blasting the sound of Panic! At the Disco so everyone in a 10 metre radius could hear the lyrics and the beat of the drums. Her eyes catch mine, widening before sending me a glare. 

I quickly looked away, trying to concentrate with my work as Brendon Uries voice boomed through the headphones.  

The bell rings, signalling the end of class and the start of recess. I stuff my books into my bag and walk towards my locker. I grab my books for the next class and an apple. 

"So what do you think about the new girl Felix? Had an eye on her I see." Jake smirks at me, books in hand as he heads out to the oval with me in tow. I gaze into the distance, ignoring his question and focusing on finding Ellen. I see her sitting under a tree, book spread across her lap and brow furrowed in concentration. I walk over to her, throwing my bag onto the green grass and collapsing next to her. She glances at me, her eyes narrow. She passes the black book to me, pointing to a page about the elements. I nod, starting to read.

After twenty minutes of reading the bell goes, and everyone starts to leave the oval. Ellen gets up to leave, but notices me still sitting down.

"Coming Felix? We've got history next." A look of worry crosses her face, but I shake my head. 

"I think I'l just go home. Not in the mood for school." She nods, a look of worry still etched onto her face as she swings her bag onto her shoulder and walks back into school.

"You leaving to?" I whip around, coming face to face with Julia,  the new girl. I gulp and nod, my lip coming between my teeth. She grins at me and grabs my hand pulling me behind her. I follow, never wanting her to drop my hand, and as luck has it, my hand stays in hers for the next ten minutes while we walk to the old magic shop. 

She was a mystical girl, never showing her true self apart from now. And I loved every bit of it. We walked into the shop, the little bell rining above us, and the strong smell of incence capturing our noses. She pulled me towards the stone charms, looking at some and holding them up to the bright sun. 

"Which one do you think? She asks me, snapping me out of my daze. I shrug with a small smile, pointin to the white crystal. She nods, smiling at me before kissing my cheek and pulling me towards the register. After buying the necklace she follows me out the door and to the skate park to meet up with Sam. 

"Felix? Why aren't you freaked out by me? I mean, I'm pretty scary aren't I?" I chuckle and walk closer, I know that I've known her for less that 24 hours but I felt like I had known her for the last 10 years. 

"Because your like me, different, not something that people feel comfortable trying to understand. Magical." She glanced up at me from looking down at the brown dirt underneith our feet. 

I took her hands and closed the gap between us with our lips, her cold and soft. She hesitated before squeezing my hands and kissing back. She was magical, and I loved every bit about her.

 She was magical, and I loved every bit about her

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HEY MY BEAUTIFUL READERS. I'm really sorry about the long wait but I've been really busy with the new school year and personal problems and getting my life in the direction I want to go.

Love you guys loads.

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