Jake Imagine 5

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It was a week from exams, and you and your boyfriend were trying to study. Well, Jake was more focused on annoying you. You were lying on your bed with books spread out before you. Your pen glided across your note book as Jake started to whistle. You frown before continuing to study.

He kept whistling, but started to click his hands in front of your face. You rolled your eyes and pushed his hands away from your face.

"Jake stop. I'm trying to study." You say glaring at him. He chuckles and tries to take your book. You huff and latch onto it. Soon enough your stuck in a tug of war, which he obviously wins. He jumps up with the book in hand running around the room.

"I'm the winner. I'm the winner." He shouts. You groan and bury your head into his chest when he finally settles down.

"Babe, I wanna do good this year." You say. He chuckles and strokes your hair. This calms you, but you were still annoyed.

"Y/N, your going to do fine. You've done so much study. Even more than Andy." He says lifting your face to his. "You'll pass. No doubt about it. You get into the Uni you want. Don't worry. And I'll be at your side every step of the way." He says, before kissing your lips to seal the deal. You sigh, and push your books off the bed, before pulling him down next to you.

"I guess I could take a break." You say smiling. He nods before kissing you again.

"Sorry for annoying you." He whispers into your lips. And all you do is kiss him, and push your self to him more.

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