Arrange marriage with a jerk #6

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°•cute or sexy?•°


Jennie's pov

Here I am, Outside that bunnys company with Lisa and Taehyung and some more CEO's that he invited to not make it obvious. I looked at my side and saw Taehyung leaning on my shoulder sleeping silently. He is sitting on his luggage using it as a chair. He must be tired, I waked him at 6 in the morning. He's snoring silently. I secretly chuckled and caressed his hair. As I did that action, camera started to flicker not stop, aish! I forgot paparazzi's are also here. Where is that Damn Jungkook?!

"Unnie are you sure that i can come? Like, I don't think I'll fit on the rich vibes you guys have" lisa worriedly said while tugging on my sleeves, I smacked her head, How can she think of that?

"You'll fit in, don't worry" I assured her and played with my car keys ready to leave anytime if I get piss off. The buffalo beside me groaned a little and tighten the hug on my slim arms. I let him do it cause I'm not in the mood to fight with him.
Soon enough that Bunny have the guts to show up wearing his oversized hoodie, sweatpants and timberland shoes. He's wearing all black as lisa is wearing the same but in all white. Coincidence? Nope, He forced me to send him the pick of what is lisa's wearing cause he want them to 'match'. He's so creepy.

"Oh- you are joining too?" Lisa asked looking at Jungkook from top the bottom. She may have noticed the HUGE similarities between them.
I wanna laugh since she sounded a bit disappointed but that is just how Lisa talk.

"Yeah, anyways, the Bus is here so you guys can get in." He said and pointed at the bus, I was about to go when Taehyung pulled me back and whispered on my ears.

"Don't go..... Stay" he said, I raised my eyebrows and dragged him with all my strength causing him to wake up.

"You ruined my sleep 2 times this day!" He complained and took his and mines luggage and placed it on the trunk of the bus and went inside without sparing me a glance. I rolled my eyes and looked back when I felt someone tapped it. This bunny teeth!

"Another favor pleaseee" he said and clasped his hands together and gave me those puppy innocent eyes.
I sighed in irritation and looked at him. Should I agree again?

"Please..... Noona" he said, i raised my hand about to slap him when he kneeled down and pout, I widened my eyes and made him stand up, People might think something and misunderstood me, that is too risky.

"K, fine! What?" I said, he smiled widely again and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you thank you!!! Okay here's the plan" he explained making me slap my self, what have I done?

Taehyung's pov

I sat on the chair in annoyance and waited for her to sit beside me, I wanna sleep but I can't when I'm not hugging her, I don't know why but every time I hug her it makes me feel so sleepy, her warmth makes me calm, her voice is so soothing in my ears, Her hands are so soft everytime I hold it. I shrugged off my weird thoughts about her and looked at the window as the bus is taking too long to move. I furrowed my eyebrows when i saw Jungkook hugging her, Soon they broke away and Jungkook started to talk about something with a smile. What are day talking about? Why is Jungkook so happy? Why did Jennie let Jungkook hug her without slapping him? I straightened my posture and my expression Changed. They both got in and jennie sat beside me like she didn't do anything wrong.

🐯TAENNIE ONESHOTS/SERIES🧸Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя