Cold Ceo #6

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"Any news about her?" Lisa again asked as soon as she entered her boss office. Taehyung shooked his head and massage his temples.

It has been weeks since the accident and the kidnapping happened, Her brothers keep hiring for professional investigators, Namjoon suggested to tell this to their own parents but Jin refused as their two parents didn't do anything but to push them for their own benefits in the past.

Taehyung announced this in the whole korea and in a few countries, but still no news about her.

"This happened all of a sudden, I don't know how to react to this... I miss my unnie" Lisa stated and sat on the couch looking at the wall as the memories of her and Jennie flashed through.

How jennie helped her when her parents kicked her out, how Jennie took care of her until she found this job and found out Jennie also worked here. That is when Jennie introduced Jungkook to her and they all became bestfriends. Jennie already claimed a part of her  heart. And it hurts her when they are far away from eachother.

"Lisa-yah! Help! Jungkook keeps chasing me" Jennie shouted and hid behind lisa, the girl kicked the bunny's leg making him fall on the ground. The two pretty bestfriends laugh and leave the poor jungkook alone.

Lisa smiled and closed her eyes as she felt her eyes heat up,slowly forming tears.

Taehyung looked at the papers that the investigators have him. It was some of the clues they found.

A blue denim ripped cloth, maybe it was a part of a denim bottom.

"Argh! Why does it have to be Jennie?!" He shouted messing and gripping his own hair.

Taehyung's friends are also helping investigating, they all became friends to Jennie even though they haven't meet yet, Jungkook is helping Jin and namjoon to gather more clues where the accident happen, they also tried to convince the other store that has CCTV to know who was the last one to be there before the incident happen.

Jungkook is dedicated to find her as Jennie already became his noona. They both have known eachother for almost 19 years and he wouldn't let that be broken.


"Let me go you bastards!" She shouted at the gaurds who keep feeding her as that is what 'He' requested.

"Im sorry ma'am but this is mr. order" the gaurd said and continued treating her wounds on her ankle. They already transferred into a much more bigger house you can call it a mansion for short. The kidnapper bought her to the middle of the woods, Jennie looked around seeing the gaurds are there everywhere you look. When her eyes landed on the bathroom with only one gaurd in there.

"Let me go Im going to the bathroom" she said, the gaurds let her.

Jennie went in and she immediately searched for the phone and the pocked knife she always bring with her.

She turned the faucet on to reduced the sound she will make and dialed the first contact she sees, as her room is in the upper floor she will have enough connection to call her friends.

🐯TAENNIE ONESHOTS/SERIES🧸Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz