Cold Ceo #5

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Jennie's pov

Did I hear it right?!

"What did you say?" I asked making sure I heared it right since he only mumbled it.

"I-- nothing" he said and looked away, I looked at him with a pursed lips, I thought he said he love me. Aigoo! My imaginations are getting wild. That I even imagined Taehyung saying those words.

"Oh.. Ok.. Let's go home we still have work tommorow" I said and walked towards his motorcycle with my head hanging low. I admit it, Im disappointed but who am I to be? Im just his secretary,

I see him as a man but he sees me as his secretary.

The whole ride was silent, I too liked it since I don't wanna talk with him.

He dropped me infront of my apartment and we both bid a simple goodbye.

After I closed my door I started screaming but not to load to disturb my neighbors.

"AH!! WAE?! WHY HE DIDN'T SAy IT?! I THOUGHT HE CONFESSED BUT NO!!" I dramatically let out and went to the kitchen, I took the kimchi I cooked and heated it up.
Im frustrated so im gonna eat. I pouted and curled my self like ball as I sat on the kitchen floor mumbling cute but mean things towards him.

"I hate you tiger! You're so mean! If only I don't have feelings for you I wouldn't be this frustrated" I said and pouted even more.. If only my brothers are here they would scold me until tommorow without a reason. I took my phone out and called my only bestfriends......Lisa and Jungkook

"Yes babygir--"

"Lisa! Im dying! Help!"

I dialed the muscle bunny's number and in only one ring he surprisingly answerd.


"Koooooooook!! Lisa's here, drinking all the banana milks I bought for the both of you" I said and hunged up.

I waited for a few minutes and my apartment door bursted open revealing lisa wearing her duck onesie, and Jungkook wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. I saw them as they walked pass the kitchen

"Are you alive jen?" Lisa shouted, This girl! If im dead I can't answer to her question can't I?

"No! Im dead! Im at my room!" I shouted back from the kitchen separating the kimchi to 3, I looked at my fridge as to take something but I stumbled to something or more like someone.

I look down only to see Jungkook looking at me with those innocent eyes while sipping a banana milk.

"What are you doing there?!" I shouted at him, he stopped for a minuted and looked at me before shrugging his shoulders saying he doesn't know.

"Unnie! I can't find-wait what?" I heard lisa's shout, and fast footsteps can be heared running towards the kitchen.

"Omg! You're alive!" She squealed and ran to me and hugged me tightly not even bothering if the bunny's complaining for being let out.

"Im not here, im just your hallucinations" he said and sipped his banan milk

"Alright alright! Yey Im alive, I need to ask you guys something" I said, we all settled down the living room after building a fort.

🐯TAENNIE ONESHOTS/SERIES🧸Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu