Idols #2

990 49 43

°•Serious Talk•°


Authors pov

Jennie stopped her tracks as she felt a hands snaked around her tiny waist. The lad pulled her more closer to his chest, wanting to embrace her more tightly. He missed this closure he didn't get to experience during the past few years. Jennie didn't stopped him from doing that, she knows this is against the rules but what can she do? She also missed him, Ignoring his calls and texts was really hard for her. She wanted to hug back but her mind is telling her not to or else Taehyung's careers will be at risk. But her hearts tells her the opposite, To just hug him and be selfish for once.

Taehyung noticed her blank reaction and bit his lips preventing himself from crying, he don't want to apear weak infront of her.

"I miss you jen" he lightly mumbles and hugged her even more tightly, this time jennie hugged back returning the same warmth he is giving her. This is their home, inside each other's arms. Taehyung rested his head on the crook of her neck, sniffing her scent as it is the most wonderful aroma he ever smelled. People might find it weird but does he care? No, he doesn't. Taehyung smiled as he felt her drawing some weird shapes on his back, This is one of her habits which Taehyung fined  cute, Like I said, Taehyung is whipped for her.

But unfortunately Their sweet moment got interrupted by a fake cough, Turning around still hugging the lass, jealousy took over Taehyung seeing Ji-yong standing there with a raised eyebrow. Jennie immediately backed away and bowed down. Taehyung also did the same not wanting to disrespect his senior even though he is burning in jealousy. Well who wouldn't be? Seeing your girlfriend singing with other men. Was sure that made alot of boyfriends jealous, especially the overprotective one.

Ji-yong shrugged and patted the boy's head.

"Don't be jealous, I won't steel her" He slowly whispered but enough for the lad to hear. He left while chuckling not caring that Jennie broke one of the rules of  YG. As the brother of her, he will defend her when Yg give a statement about this.

"Continue your sweet moments" he shouted and ran. Jennie looked at Taehyung as the lad did the same. The boy grabbed Jennie's hands and pulled her somewhere more private for them to talk. He want answers, why she stopped replying? Why is she being so cold? Why she didn't greet him? Why she didn't spoke a single thing? Why is she like this? They arrived at the park and sat on one of the benches there. Jennie stayed silent alongside with Taehyung. He had alot of questions but he can't even let a single word. It's like his tounge has been cut out preventing him to speak. As for jennie... She didn't have the courage to speak to her boyfriend, after a long time they never felt so awkward before, where's the comfortable tension between them?

"Why?" Taehyung started as he noticed that the lass won't start the conversation anytime soon. Jennie looked at him softly but her mouth decided to stay silent. Taehyung heavily sighed as he didn't get any response from his girl.

"Talk to me please?" He pleaded desperate for answers.

"I didn't mean to ignore you" she said preventing herself from stuttering, Taehyung smiled as he finally heard her soft voice, caressing her hands, he again spoke.

"I missed you jen, i missed you so damn much. How can you be so cruel? Ignoring my calls,text?  I will be glad even if you will just reply a like, but you didn't. What happened? We were okay at first right? Why did you change? You're also being so silent. You didn't even congratulate me when I just debuted." He complained and looked away. Jennie felt another waved of guilt seeing him bite his lips so hard. And his statement hurted her alot. She felt like her heart had been stabbed multiple times in one go.

"It wasn't my intention, I swear I didn't do that on purpose. I-i was forced, trust me tae" she reasond but that didn't satisfied Taehyung.

"Then what is the reason?! What is the porpose Jen?! that you have to ignore my calls?!" He snapped, he wasn't like this before, he's always calm and soft when it comes to her. Jennie looked away hesitating wether to tell him or not,

"I- I told you that I was forced" Jennie truthfully said taking his hands to calm him down. The lad did calmed down a little bit and settled down again.

"Who? And why they forced you? Tell me the truth"

"My boss, They caught me texting you and threatened me to put your career in risk if I continued to text you so i stopped. I know you are disappointed, and Im sorry for that. But hey look at the bright side, You debuted successfully" she said and smiled at him trying to lift up the mood but Taehyung only returned a small chuckle, yes he do feel happy that she's talking to him now but there is something about what she said. He find it such a big lie, how can someone sacrifice their relationship just for a simple dream? He don't wanna question but his mouth wasn't in control and let out his biggest mistake.

"Or you're just too desperate to debut, that is why you stopped talking to me?" He sarcastically let out making Jennie's cute gummy smile fade and looked at him shock. How can he think of that? She never thought about it in that way. Taehyung soon realized what he said and looked at Jennie only seeing her looking away, but tears are already trailing down her cheeks. She felt another stabbed on her heart.

"You really think of me that way? You think of me as a desperate girl? Cause I never did thought of that tae. I didn't know that the person I trust the most would say things to me like what you did. Why did you even ask me to explain when you won't even believe me? What is the point of this talk when you won't even hear my side?" She stated without looking at him, She can't faced him That easily cause everytime she do, Those hurtful words he said again flashed back through her.

"No jen-"

"It's ok tae, I get it. Those words are enough. But let me tell you, working hard for their dreams doesn't mean that they are desperate. I stopped talking to you for the sake of your career, you're talented and I don't wanna ruin that by my careless actions. I almost dragged your chance of being an Idol down. And I don't wanna repeat that mistake again. Congratulations on your success, I hope we can talk again soon. Good bye sunbae-nim" she addressed and bowed at him before walking away while wiping her tears. Taehyung was about to follow her when the words she said struck him. How can he be so careless? Calling her desperate?!really tae?! He wanna accept the truth that it's his fault but his pride won't allow him. He suddenly got a text from his hyungs saying that they are waiting at their dorm, He doesn't have a choice to just go home. Jennie won't talk to him anyway. After what he said? Who will?



I just finished my school works last night and another one will arrive tommorow😀 yayy!☠

Anyways this might me by very short chapter as this only reached 1283 words. I mostly write it up until 2k but today im in a rush sooo .

Anyway thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy this and have a good day!🤗

Stay safe stay healthy and stay gold!!

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