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your vision blurred. your hands found itself wiping the irritatingly dripping liquid on your neck which caused your hand to appear with red- blood.

the last thing you hear is a gunshot, your now most resented woman toppling on the floor. the last thing you remember seeing is your father looking at you worriedly when he should worried about himself, blood gushing out of his stomach.

you grunted when you fluttered your eyes open, as if light was unfamiliar to you.

"hyerin, baby," your mom's voice resonates on your head, making you come back to reality and sit up quick. your eyes immediately searched for your dad who was beside you, with no shirt on but full of bandages. "are you okay now?" 

you eyed her warily, until tears finally fill it up and you sob into her embrace. 

"i'm so sorry mom, this is all my fault," you kept on repeating, as if it was some kind of ritual. "i'm so sorry.." she just kept on hushing you, caressing your back as tears silently left her eyes too.

"nothing's your fault, okay? i should've known. should've known better. mom should've known better," she mumbles as she kept her lips on your forehead, resulting more sobs from you. "hey, hey, hey. your neck.." she breaks the hug to caress your neck you didn't notice was probably stinging.

"how's dad?" you ask, your eyes staying on your father's fragile state. she explains that it wasn't anything critical, thankfully thanking the gods for making yumi unskillful with knives. because if it were a gun, she knew the right place to shoot anyone.

you have also explained everything that's happening. your dad being a mafia, your ex being a mafia, kang and seung, and everything that revolved there.

"i know. i just didn't say anything about it," your mom slowly says, her thumb caressing the back of your hand. "because if i confronted your dad about it.. wouldn't end up good," she gave you a small smile before changing the topic. "now mind explaining to me why there are 4 hot men anxiously waiting outside the doors?" she smirked, squinting her eyes at you.

"they're still outside?" your mom cranes her neck, confused at the question. "i mean, shouldn't they be in the police or something?" you shrugged your shoulders.

"they're mafias, honey. let me remind you of that again," she chuckles, brushing your hair back. "i'll go get us and your visitors something to eat, okay? should i let them in?" she asks seriously even if it was covered with a playful tone. you nodded at her and mumbled a small thanks before watching her walk out.


kang and jinwook confidently strutted to you, sitting on the chair beside you after asking if you were okay. dohyun and seung quietly watched, hands on their pockets. 

"yumi?" you simply asked, fiddling with your fingers as you feel rage fill you up again.

"fuck," kang mutters as he looked at dohyun who had his gun on his hands, pointing at yumi- who came jumping at your dad with a knife, obviously hesitating to shoot the woman.

so kang did. he shot her on the leg which made her grip on the knife loose and plop on the floor while grunting. when the police and meds got to the scene, they had shoved yumi to the police (well, after negotiating to cover this up.) to let her take a taste of jail.

"why the fuck did you shoot her?" dohyun pushes kang quite harshly, but kang just chuckles at him.

"relax, she isn't going to fucking die." kang glared at him while dohyun just massaged his temples, looking everywhere- the medics, police, and some on lookers. "i'm surprised you still stand up for the bitch when she almost killed hyerin and her father," 

"because if she fucking gets killed," dohyun grabs kang's collar and pushes him to the nearest car, making seung and jinwook pull them away but to no avail. "my parents get fucking killed too," 

the three men just raised their eyebrows at him, confused at the sudden confession.

"yumi's parents fucking threatened me to marry her, seung knows that because he got the threats too,"

"you mean you got it too?"

"are you two fucking dumb?" kang pushes dohyun off. "i can't believe these two fucking bosses of mafia gangs are the dumbest i'll ever know."

seung was about to land a punch when kang glared at him.

"you fucking got played, man." kang gives them a smug look. "yumi's parents are dead assholes. can't believe you put hyerin through shits just for your fucking stupidity."

"then who the fuck will send those?!" dohyun gives kang a challenging look.

"you fuck who else?!  yumi!"  kang rolls his eyes as if everything was clear from the start. "she resented being replaced, what help can she get when she doesn't have anything?" kang pushes both men's foreheads, snickering at them.

later, the police retrieved yumi's phones and indeed clarified kang's theory. which is why the guilt doubled.

"so.. she's jailed?" you slowly nodded, getting a pat from kang. "uh.." you bit your lip, not liking the awkward atmosphere.

"okay, we'll leave." kang stands up, drags seung and jinwook outside, but not before muttering a don't fuck it up or i'll put a spatula up your ass to dohyun.

the three sighed before leaving, sparing you one small glance before.. letting their feelings be unspoken for life.

no one uttered a word. you fiddled with your fingers, dohyun just sighed and sighed, looking anywhere but you.

"i have nothing else to tell you but i'm sorry," dohyun looks down at his feet that continuously bounced because of anxiousness.

you just hummed, not knowing what to say. you didn't know what to feel either, should you be mad? sad? over the moon?

you think of everything that happened again, from the very start, and your vision spinned. your head hurt and you let out a small whine before clutching your head. everything was and happened so fast, your brain couldn't keep up. the body of your father lying unconsciously beside you didn't help either.

"hey, are you okay?" dohyun let his arm rest on your back, and you can't help but melt at his warmth you missed yet again.

"sorry, can we talk another time?" you mumbled, preparing to lie down again. 

"we can talk anytime, love. i am all yours." and you drift off to dreamland.

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