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that night when kang tried getting you to run, he was dragged by two other men away from you.

and to his parent's grave.

he was forced to kneel in front of their graves, weak and submissive to the man who just stepped in front of him.

"i told you to never push me to my limits, kang. we've done this before."  kang felt his wrists being tied as he did nothing to stop it. jsut like the other days he was reprimanded by his best friend- his boss, he stayed quiet, because after all, he was still powerless against this man.

dohyun lands a hard punch on his face, then to his stomach consecutively. kang, after being brought up by two hands again, instead of spitting the blood somewhere on his parent's grave, he swallowed it along with his pride.

"i have a plan, kang. just lay low and no one will be hurt." and another punch on his right cheek that busted his lip, landing right on his father's grave. "why do you even care, anyways?"  and with that, kang stopped. 

"hyerin is a friend, dohyun. i think i have every right to worry about her," he said, hissing when his tongue hit his lip.

"oh, okay." dohyun nods, facing the graves. "then keep the worry to yourself because just like what i said," then he turns back around to walk to his car. "do what you want with him," after he nods to the two men, he leaves, just like he always does.

and for a few weeks, his cycle begins. when dohyun beats him up and leaves him, these two men lands a few punches and kicks and leaves him after a while. he'll go missing in action, thinking and reflecting on what he actually did wrong. 

which was nothing.

and for a split second there- (read: a whole week and a half) he believed on dohyun. 

wrong move, buddy.

he believed that dohyun wouldn't, and couldn't possibly give you to them, right? 

"you're fucking unbelievable," kang grunted as he grabbed dohyun's collars tightly, pushing him on the nearest wall while yumi tried stopping them with wary eyes. "if this is the end of your fucking plan, stick it up your ass. i'm going to fucking ruin every bit of your plan to fucking save her," kang hisses before pushing yumi off of him harshly. "if you think im going back to your mafia shit to clean up your messes, think again asshole." kang left after giving yumi a stink eye and glaring at dohyun, his jaw clenched. 

and at that moment, that one glint of determination on kang's eyes was enough to drown dohyun on more guilt and regret and, possibly losing you on his bestfrined-become-rival. he has never seen kang so aggressive, so.. firm. and it only takes him a second to realize you had a special place on kang's heart.

kang almost jumped off of his car before even parking it, seeing that the cafe you worked on was closed. he went to every place you always went and was, until finally breaking down on his car, blaming himself for not realizing sooner what even dohyun had planned.

his crying was stopped by a continuous ringing on his phone, and he knew exactly what had bring this man to call kang.

"jinwook." kang answers the call almost immediately. "please.. tell me you got her," kang sighs, a tear still slipping out of his eye. he hears a sigh on the phone, and he almost whined like a baby to his friend that he made on the first party dohyun set him in.

"yes, she's okay." jinwook finally says, looking over your window. "at least that's what i think."

kang almost shouted on the phone, asking for details on where your location was and what the fuck happened.

"calm down, kang. i'll look over her, okay? we'll find a way out here."  jinwook has made his way in front your door, leaning on the wall beside it. 

jinwook dreaded being on the mafia world as much as kang did. same tragedies happened between families, destiny pulled these fine men together and made them friends. jinwook trusted seung's father's words like how a river flows, and in no time, he's got blood on his hands.

jinwook heard your small cries behind the walls that divided the both of you, and thought that you weren't as strong as how you looked like in front of hyunsuk or seung awhile ago.

that triggered something in him.

something he can't put his finger on, but something that made him want to take care of you.

hence the countless of times he had saved you from the hunger of the gang's eyes, constantly visiting and trying to annoy you by always being on your room, and that damned hair dryer.

that was the last thing he had unconsciously did before realizing he had started liking you. liked you not because of how you were pathetic, useless and powerless, but how you always put up a good front in front of anybody else, yet he hears your cries and sobs between walls, your persistent, mumbling of prayers for someone to save you.

he was easily cold, no one can deny that and not even a fucking friend can use any of his heating materials- jackets, socks, heat packs, heaters, and not even a fucking hair dryer. 

"fuck," was the only word on his mind the moment he threw the hair dryer on your dresser. yet your giggle was everything he had wanted to hear. he swooned when he heard it the first time, and only because of a hair dryer.

he'd give you every hair dryer in the world if it meant hearing you like that every second of every day.

but hearing your cries that night again, he had realized, dohyun was always part of your cries- yet was still on your prayers. he scoffed, thinking how- just how fucking dumb dohyun can be to make you so wretched, yet so fragile-hearted to wish him the best.

only makes him want to throw hands more.

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