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"so, are we heading home now?" even when you spent the whole day with dohyun, you still felt reluctant to go home as if there was no tomorrow with him.

"hun," dohyun chuckles as he senses your hesitation, revving the engine. "that was your last stop. we still have one more place to go to." and he drives off.

"where to?" you studied the place, realizing that stars have now started appearing one by one in between.

"you'll know." he held your hand tighter, and you nod as you purse your lips.

everything felt unreal, something in your stomach kept churning and churning. it was as if not only two months ago, your life was full of guns, missions, and an unimaginable number of tears being shed.

as if not two months ago, you resented yet yearned for this man that you know have under your hold, under the same roof of the car going somewhere you now trusted him to.

"we're here." you were cut out of your trance with a nudge, looking outside to study where you were.

the bridge.  

you smile as you remember the last time you were here with him, shrugging your shoulders to see how excited you were even if you probably will just stand there and enjoy each other's presence. 

"i don't know many places, but here's a special one." dohyun shyly pecked the back of your hand the moment the both of you hopped out of the car, walking to the rail, and breathed in the fresh scent of leaves and river.

"anywhere we go is fine, dohyun." you chuckled, as dohyun made his way behind you to hug you from behind. "i like this," you inhaled, leaning your head back to his shoulder. 

"i like you," he cheekily replies, shaking both of you sideward. he hands you a can of coffee, still warm from his pocket. 

"where did this come from?" you laugh lightly, opening the can of coffee. 

"while you were talking to seung, i took a walk around and found a convenience store," he shows you another can of coffee and clinking it with yours.

comfortable silence. that's what defined the night you spent with dohyun, no words exchanged, just warmth and unspoken words you understood.

dohyun softly grabs your hands, playing with your fingers. you just look at how slender his fingers are and how it fits, might i say, perfectly with yours. he suddenly slips the can's tab on your ring finger, making you gasp and laugh wholeheartedly.

"oh! what's this?" you laugh out and face him, wiping your eyes as you adore how the can's tab fit on your finger. you keep on chuckling, making dohyun shoot heart eyes at you.

dohyun engulfs you in the warmest hug and kisses your forehead, letting it linger for a few minutes while you continuously gaze at the plain can tab on your finger.

"your parents might go nuts if i propose to you this early." he chuckles, cupping your face. your lips had the widest and brightest smile he swears he had ever seen, your eyes light up as if all the stars were in there, though tears kept forming in it.

he wipes the tears away, sensing that some were already forming in his too.

"hyerin," he shakily exhales, "ah.. yoon hyerin," a smile breaks on his face. you just stare at him, waiting for him to continue. "this is the place i realized i wasn't in love with yumi anymore. that, and i should've known better the moment i laid my eyes on you." he sighed. "i should've known what risk i was taking right from the start."

your smile breaks to a frown, furrowing your eyebrows.

"risk? am i only a risk?" you pout, letting your grip on his waist loose.

"the most beautiful risk i have ever taken." he smiles, pulling you closer once again and tucking your hair back. 

you chuckle, shrugging your shoulders at his cheekiness that kept on pouring.

"hyerin, i am not the best one out there. i'm thankful enough you're giving me another chance to prove myself." his lips tremble and once again, you feel yourself tearing up. "i am sorry for a lot of things i can't even count, but i am deeply, not sorry about one thing." he pauses, wiping your tears that have escaped your eyes. "and that's for pulling you into this mafia shit i am in. because if i didn't, then jesus christ i can't even imagine the life i'm living in today if it weren't for you." he dramatically throws his head back. 

"and i'm not blaming you for that." you almost whisper, wiping his tears too with a smile. 

with so many sobs and light chuckles, dohyun lands a kiss on your lips and you just let the moment be. closing your eyes, you kiss him back and snake your arms on his neck.

when the both of you were out of breaths, with your foreheads still connected, you smile at each other.

"god, i love you so much." dohyun mutters, and under the stars, he has made an unspoken promise to himself to be someone deserving of you.

"i love you too, dohyun. so much," you mumble back, and as if just a while ago when you realized you have found your solace and feel your stomach burst butterflies like how you first met him, this time, it was another feeling- something so familiar yet weird. 

your heart ached but it was nothing like your heart getting broken. it ached because of too much happiness, contentment.

it has always been dohyun. it has always been him- from the start, and until the end. even between different worlds, your love that remained- saudade, was what brought you back to each other's arms once again.

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