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"s-seung? your boyfriend?" you mom gawked, obviously taken aback at the sudden introduction. you just nodded with a small smile, eyeing your father who hadn't uttered a thing the moment you walked in, hand in hand with a man he's known to be your best friend in college. "and uh.. a proposal?" your mom stammered, looking at the ring you've been fiddling with for awhile now.

she tried sounding optimistic, but clearly failing- too many, too fast events have been happening. on the other side, your father knew something was up. to the way your eyes flickered one to many times, how you're- well, fiddling with the ring, and how you look so fragilely uncomfortable under seung's touch.

"yeah.." you mumbled, giving them a light chuckle, flinching when seung tightened his grip on your hand. 

"we're not on a rush, though! just wanted to let her know how much i cherish her," seung explained, flashing you a big smile, yet gross for you but unnoticed by your parents. "i just.. wanted to let her know.. she's mine." with so much authority in his voice, your mom's face scrunched for a second before smiling it away.

dinner went so awkwardly well, a few flinches here and there, and your father stays shut. you knew that he knew something was up, it was just in a matter of time he picked up on what really is happening. meanwhile, your free hand frequently goes to your pant's waistband, where kang's phone sit, ongoing call all along with him as he listened to every word seung said.

"thank you for the dinner, it was really nice finally telling you." seung stepped out of the doorframe, smiling at your parents. he shifted his eyes to you, rubbing your arm. "i'll see you tomorrow." after bidding a goodbye, he finally drives off and you were left with an awkward mother, and a suspicious father. 

you just sighed and walked to your bedroom, letting them imagine what they want to- different lives of different minds.

you got to your room's blind spot once again, fishing kang's phone out and hearing him mumble a few things before you end the call.

hey, i promise i'm close to finding a way out, okay? hang in there for me. his message read, and you were too tired to send a reply. you sigh, trying to think of positive things. 

you just said it. positive things.

yet just like the other nights, your mind just had to think of dohyun. the man who hurt you the most, betrayed you, and used you.

your mind wandered to your smiles together, laughs, dances, and dumb shits you did outside his work.

and once again, you felt it. you felt as if dohyun was indeed in love with you. 

and again, just like the other nights- it caused a smile on your face, yet a sting to your heart. 


jinwook pushes the door open to your room, whistling a melody you haven't heard before. you gave him a plain look, waiting for him to say something.

"hey, missy," he smirks while playing with the gun, reminding you of kang. he follows your eyes to his hands, chuckling when he saw your eyes soften, then stopped twirling it on his fingers to hand you the gun. 

you just raised your eyebrows, eyeing him confusingly.

"what? take it. i know they taught you how to," he craned his neck sidewards, taunting you. you just huffed and turned your back at him, closing the curtains as he gives a low chuckle. you knew you weren't gonna win, so why bother?

you just stayed quiet roaming around the room, and quite mysteriously, even if jinwook's eyes followed you everywhere, you didn't mind. jinwook will be the last one on your mind that'll hurt you in this mansion, you thought, as whenever you stayed here, you actually felt safe under his guidance.

he has never touched you like hyunsuk did- not sure if it was because how seung shot hyunsuk, he has never eye-fucked you, like how anyone else did whenever they lay their eyes on you. he has almost reminded you of kang everyday, if it wasn't for the fact that he is one of your abductors.

"you've been in the bathroom for half an hour already, missy. what the fuck are you doing there?" he nonchalantly scoffs out side the bathroom, as you sigh and look at the mirror in front of you, realizing that you've just been staring at yourself continuously crying.

you dump your body to the tub and did your routine, changing into their clothes to sleep in. you guessed jinwook has already gone not even bothering to look after you even when you spent two hours in the bathroom.

but surprisingly, when you went out of the bathroom softly drying your hair with a towel, you found him dozing off on your dresser. you sighed as you coughed loudly on purpose, waking him up with a grunt.

"the fuck took you so long?" he took a deep breath before furrowing his eyebrows at you.

"what are you doing here anyways?" you ignored his question as he studied you drying your hair, standing up and going to the bathroom. "what are you doing?" you followed him as he roamed his eyes on the bathroom, looking for something.

"you're not digging a hole here or something, right?" he asked with a serious face and you almost scoffed at his words. 


you thought, as you just snickered at him and turned your back on him once again.

"wait here," he mumbles before sprinting out of your room, leaving you still drying your hair with a towel.

your mind wanders everywhere- family, kang, seung, and of course, dohyun. you loved him, still and you were dumb for it. he hurt you, yet you still wanted to see him. he betrayed you, yet you still wanted to feel his warmth on yours. he used you so bad, yet you wanted him to run to you, save you, and tell you sorry, and everything's going to be okay. 

you sighed as you notice how much you've been daydreaming again, focusing on yourself once again. you flinch when jinwook suddenly barges on your room with.. a hair dryer?

you squint your eyes at him, looking closely if what you saw was right.

"shut it," he hisses before throwing the hair dryer on your dresser. "realized you didn't have one so here. take it or throw it," he rolls his eyes before walking out again, deep in thought of sleeping with wet hair for the following days and why the fuck he just gave you his hair dryer.

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