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"so what time are you getting off today?" 

i blink rapidly, staring dumbfoundedly at him. my trembling hands hand him his usual order, unfazed.

"a-are you serious?" i tried joking around, chuckling.- my eyes meeting with seung's enlarged ones.

"oh sorry, we're you taken?" he senses seung's look and i quickly wave my hands in front of him. "so you aren't. let me ask again, what time will you be off today?" he smiles, waiting patiently.

my heart felt really really full just staring at him smile, and seung's cough made me go back to my sense.

"at uhm, s-six.. pm." i answered, blushing and looking down. 

"are you free after?" 

"uh, yes." 

"it's a date set then. i'll see you later," he sends me a wink before leaving with his drink again. 

"give me your phone," seung grabs your phone and does some shit i didn't know. i was still staring at the door where dohyun just left, processing what just happened. "press one on your speed dial when something happens or whatever happens that makes you uncomfortable. i'll come right away. turn your location on, oh wait. i already did." he shakes the phone in front of my face.

"w-what?" i stuttered, bringing my attention to what he explained again. 

"i just still don't see anything very applaudable on the man you're simping for," he mumbles and walks back on his side of counter. 

the day passes by with you dumbly tapping orders away in the monitor, and unconsciously, giddily waiting until your shift is done.

"hey," that voice, which never failed to make my heart flutter, called out. "hyerin. i'll be outside waiting for you." i nod and he went outside again, still on his same outfit- but probably different suit. his hair still slicked back at one side, which made him look hotter.

"i'll clean up here, just go and text me when you get home. remember what i said," seung sends me a glare and i chuckle at his behavior. 

"nothing will happen, seung. trust me," i winked at him. "i learned a little taekwondo," i pat his arm and gave him a reassuring smile. i bid my goodbyes to the other crew and took a sigh before going out.

"hyerin," he calls out and as you look to your right, there where three men- one was dohyun, and the other two unknown and with sunglasses even when the sun was already down. he must've sensed my curiosity as he glanced at them and chuckled. "they're my bodyguards. sorry, can't go without one." he explained.

"you- have a bodyguard?" my eyebrows twitched at the thought, thinking that all throughout this 'date' there were two men following us. 

yeah, i should've known. he doesn't wear a suit for nothing.

i just simply nodded after getting an exasperated chuckle from him, knowing that he himself must also feel uncomfortable.

the date was simple. just like how all first dates gone. a walk in the park, getting to know each other, awkward silence in between but nothing serious. 

he made me feel that i was secure, not quite literally because of the bodyguards, but rather warm. even though we've shared small talks as a cashier-customer for a few weeks, and now a small date, i felt comfortable. 

i learned that he was only the around the same age as me, graduated school early because of his genius-ness- just like how he'd say it, and then the company he was working on now got passed to him by his father. 

"what company?" i mindlessly ask, taking a bite of my ice cream. 

he seemed to be quiet for a few seconds, so i looked at him.

"nothing you can know," he chuckles and messed my hair up. 

i pout and continued eating my ice cream, when he suddenly lifts my chin up to face him.

"sorry, let me fix that again for you." he brushes the stray hair and the mess he made on my hair, while i just stare at him again. 

he's handsome. fuck.

he chuckles and fixes an eye contact between the both of us.

"sorry- did i just say that out loud?" i tilt my head, my eyebrows furrowing. 

"yes, you just did." he chuckles and boops my nose with his index, finding it cute.

"i'm so sorry," i sigh again and roll my eyes at the stupidity. i should really get my brain checked. 

date ended well, he took me home, exchanged numbers, definitely reassuring each other of a next time.

a date turned into dates, a month turned into months. 

i was finally able to call him my boyfriend.

yes- i finally took the courage to tell him i'd like to take our relationship the next step. 

"are you for real?" he beams, grabbing my arms. i chuckle, it was the first time i saw him this happy. 

"you're acting like you're so happy about this, weren't you expecting me to answer you soon?" i gave him my biggest smile, melting in his embrace.

"that's because i'm happy, hyerin. god, you don't know how much my heart sank when you called me and you wanted to say something personally!" he jumps around which made your heart jumped too. 

he looked adorable, trying his best to jump as high as he can with his slacks.

"you'll rip your pants," i laugh at him and before he stops, he gives me a kiss in the forehead. 

"let me get us our favorite ice cream. wait for me here, okay?" he bends down to meet my eyes, as i nod at him. i look at his disappearing form with one of his bodyguards, slumping back at the bench, looking much more brighter than the lamps around me.

the other bodyguard i never knew the name stood quietly behind me. honestly, i never felt their presence every time dohyun and i went on a date, unless we had to take a car, and i couldn't be more thankful.

i look up at the starry skies, admiring how each twinkled and how i always saw it in dohyun's eyes any time of the day.

as much as i loved coffee, i did with stars. they were a big mystery to me, and would never get to the fact that there were billions of them.

and dohyun's eyes gave me another reason to love them.

i jolt up, my thoughts cut with a loud gunshot just behind me. with my shaking body, i slowly stood up and looked behind to be greeted with the bodyguard's body laying helplessly on the ground, his head pooling with his own blood.

"where is he?" a hooded man comes out of the tree beside me, pointing a gun at me.

tears instantly formed on my eyes and fear engulfed me.

what the fuck do i do now?

"i asked where the fuck is he!" i stayed frozen as he propped the gun on my forehead, the cold metal giving goosebumps all over my spine. he forces an answer out of me as much as he's pushing my forehead with the gun.

where the fuck are you, lee dohyun?

save me.

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