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morning came. one word to explain, chaotic.

kang taught me how to use a gun, an hour before me actually holding the gun. my hand kept trembling, reminiscing the two dead men beside me last night.

"finally!" kang threw his hands up, a smile on his face. "now shoot," he points at the target, standing beside me and puts his hands on his waist. 

i try to put on a skillful pose, and shot.

but unfortunately, bullets went roaming around. kang ducked, and bullets can't stop coming out, roaming it around the room. 

"fuck! stop!" kang tries to reach out for my hand. "hyerin!" 

"i can't, kang!" 

"just fucking stop pulling the trigger, dumbo!" kang- still ducked, yanked me down.

"i would've done that if i can!" 

but i wasn't even pulling the goddamn trigger!

kang finally got his hands on the gun and his eyes widen. quickly did some magic on the gun and it finally stopped, making me let out a sigh of relief.

"oops, i handed you a wrong gun," he gives me a lopsided smile, until you both burst into a fit of chuckles. 

"now who's a dumbo," i stand up, dusting off the sand that has got into my pants. 

after a few scolding from kang, i finally got the closest from the target.

"let's stop here," he smiles and reloaded the gun, handing it to me.

"i haven't even hit the target?" i mumbled, but getting the gun from him. he pouted, pointing at the door. i glanced at the door to see dohyun on the frame.

"can't let the boss waiting," he chuckles and ruffles my hair. i smile and thank him once again, walking to dohyun.

"did kang teach you properly?" he started, while both of us walk to somewhere he leads me to.

"yeah, he's got a good personality too so it wasn't that uncomfortable." i reply, and it was dead silent again. our arms brushed against each other, and all of a sudden, everything got to me again.

are we officially.. you know, girlfriend and boyfriend? i mean.. two men died when it was supposed to be a happy night.

i shake my head, as if it was going to make my thoughts go away.

"hey, you okay?" dohyun stops and grabs my arms softly. i nod and smile reassuringly, then continued walking. "i'm sorry i've gotten you into this mess," he sighs, tucking his hands on his slacks' pockets. "this must've been a hard blow on you," 

"you know what, i think i'm cool," i chuckle to lighten the atmosphere. "i mean, who gets dragged on something like this, then coping properly? i think i am.. coping properly. yeah," i wondered if that was the right word, "and i trust you enough. i don't know why, but i do." 

a smirk creeps up on his lips, making me chuckle once more.

"is it okay to ask now what really happened that you're this young.. and.. living like this?" i hesitated asking, because what if it was still wasn't my place to ask so?

"still what i said." he puckers his lips. "long story short, dad got me into this. i had to- not because i want to, but because i'm obligated to do so." 

"that's.. sad," i mumble, a chuckle leaving on his lips. i suck at comforting someone, yes. "that's all?" the conversation with the man suddenly comes to the surface of my mind, i haven't really thought about it, didn't i?

"yeah, that's much about it," we stop in front of his office, the one where kang said was off limits. "were you curious about something?" he cuts off my thoughts.

"the man last night.. kinda told me things," the evident hesitance in my voice brought goosebumps on him. 

was i not supposed to tell him that?

"what did he tell you?" his voice trailed off, but i shrugged it off.

"something in between the lines of 'run,' and being your 'new one'," i shrug and gave him a small smile, not really thinking hard about it. "i don't remember anything else, that night is still hazy in my head," i waited for him to say something, or just take a step in his office.

instead, he was standing stiff, looking behind me. i curiously glanced, to see kang who was quietly following us since awhile ago.

they were just.. staring. eyebrows slightly knitted together, mouths agape. 

"hey.. did i say something wrong?" my eyes went from dohyun to kang- once or twice.

dohyun shakes his head abruptly, rubbing my arm. 

"wait here, i'll get your phone and things you left in the park last night," he shuts the door in front of my face. 

i blink a couple of times, rethinking what i just said.

kang walked closer and leaned on the wall beside me. he was nonchalantly playing with his gun, a finger on the trigger, twirling it like it was some toy he plays with normally.

"well.." i pursed my lips. "did that pull a trigger on him?" i mumble, and looked at kang. he wore a disgusted face, confused by the sudden pun. i laughed wholeheartedly, taking out what i suppressed before saying the joke.

"what the fuck, yoon hyerin," he mumbles and jokingly cocked his gun. 

"hey, hey, hey," i took a step back, covering my mouth that was wearing a smile up to my eyes. "at least you got the joke, that wasn't bad at all." finally, all laughs left me with a smile. i took the gun from his hand.

"what do you think you're doing?" he tries to snatch it from me.

"kang, its really not good to play with guns, you know. with other people around," i skillfully removed the magazine to see it full of bullets. "and full of bullets." i shook my head at him, unapprovingly.

he scoffs at me, speechless.

"kang, as much as i am comfortable around you- which is i don't know why, i care about myself and the people around you." i chuckle. "what if you accidentally just pulled the trigger?" i squinted my eyes at him, giving him his gun back.

dohyun comes out with my phone and bag, clean of blood.

i sigh in relief to see no traces of blood, rummaging through my phone to see it full of missed calls from seung. 

"i can't drive you home today, so kang it is. will that be okay?" he crouches, meeting my eye level.

"that's okay, but may i ask why? i'm sorry if i said something wrong awhile ago," i look at my feet, too embarrassed to face the man. 

he chuckles and lifts my chin up.

"its nothing, hyerin. i've just tons of things to do," he smiles that smile. "i've already sent everyone that i told you last night in your house, okay? remember what i said. don't trust anyone, hyerin." i nod and looked at kang. 

"let's go?" i teasingly smiled at him which made him roll his eyes. 

"let me talk to kang for a minute," dohyun smiles and makes his way towards kang. as much as i didn't look like i cared about their conversation, and as much as they walked far from me, their conversations echoed without them realizing it while i just texted seung back.

"come back as soon as you can, kang. we need to talk about what she just said."

"yes, boss." 

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