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you whimpered as seung slams you on the wall behind the closed doors of the kitchen in the cafe, glaring at you like you did a wrong move when you haven't.

"don't do anything funny, hyerin. i'm warning you. either stay the fuck out of kang's radar or a bullet is through your parent's brains." he groaned. 

its been a week since kang has made his appearance- and everyday after that. you have grown numb of everything that seung does to you- yet you were still under him. he knew how to tame you just by saying the word family and bullet under the same sentence- and you were wrapped around his fingers once again.

"i can't do anything about that, seung. you know that too," you said with the smallest voice, staring back at him. he hisses and raises his hand, but stops landing a harsh slap on you midway when he sees you throw your head to the side and flinch.

he sighs sharply and puts his heavy hand down, his eyes boring holes on your head.

"at least fucking try to," and with that, he left you. you slide down the wall, your knees trembling. 

tears constantly falling from your eyes nonchalantly, as if it was a well that doesn't run out. you weren't even sobbing anymore, yet it keeps on coming out. you felt so utterly weak. you take a big breath, wiping your tears away and standing up to wash your face in the bathroom.

you faced yourself in the mirror, and realize- in a matter of two weeks. you went from being the luckiest, happiest woman on earth for having a not-so-problematic life, for having dohyun, to someone who was strangled under the hands of another mafia- but only because your once so called boyfriend gave you to him, like some ball on a play. 

"stop fucking crying," you grunt to yourself, wiping the newly shed tears away and washing your face again.

you wipe your face with a towel while going out to the cashier, only to be met with a same pair of shameless eyes.

jeon yumi.

you scoffed to yourself. you don't know why, or how she was able to roam around by herself- especially to a territory her past abductor owned. your eyes found it landing outside the huge transparent doors of the cafe, a black car so familiar parked outside. 

"will you take my order or?" she shrugged. "i don't know, drool over my boyfriend's car?" you clicked your tongue, it was as if she didn't know, or remember, who you were. 

you stayed frozen, your eyes looking for seung- you also didn't know why, but you wanted him to see her. you wanted something to spark between them, and maybe, want her back instead of you. but the bruises in her arms and faint evident strangling bruises on her neck gave you away. you weren't that bad to throw her to seung once again.

at least, you weren't being touched how you didn't want to.

you sigh and pull your feet to the counter, quietly asking for her order.

"one medium iced americano and a large iced latte," she said and fiddled with her wallet while you stopped on your tracks, remembering the very first time you saw dohyun, full of naive smiles, chuckles and glances.

until you felt your eyes tear up for the nth time. you sighed it away, aggressively tapping on your monitor to give her the receipt and proceed on making her order. you were lying if you said that you didn't feel a lot of eyes on you whilst you make the coffees. it was too obvious.

yumi's eyes on you, seung's eyes trailing you and the rest of the crew's, and possibly a man outside the doors of the cafe.

"here," you hand her the coffees, not making eye contact and waiting for her to pay.

"i didn't tell you my name." 

"you didn't need too." you replied back, quite harshly and quickly for her to be caught off guard.

"do i know you?" she raised her eyebrows.

"you don't need to know me." her card was already on her hand so you snatched it away, sliding it on the puncher and giving it back to her, attending to the next customer in line.

you hear her scoff before trudging away, and your eyes unconsciously follow her. after opening the doors that produced a chiming bell, a hand, the same hand that was on yours just weeks ago, snaked on her waist.

you breathe out a shaky laugh, biting your lip to stop it from trembling, letting your eyes see how dohyun opened the passenger's seat for her with a big smile on his face, until his eyes meet yours.

his smile slowly falls, and you can see how his adams apple bob at the sudden tension, even with quite a distance. you just nonchalantly break the eye contact, focusing once again on the order you were taking for the third time.

you head home with seung today who demanded for you to sleep in their mansion, as if you can sleep. you sighed and agreed, still tightly grasping on kang's phone who gave you a will to survive throughout the week.

you tail seung as he opens the disgustingly familiar room, making your way inside. what shocked you was the sound of the knob locking, after seung pushes himself inside. your eyes widen and you instinctively step back when he approaches you with a smug look on his face.

"w-what are you doing?" you asked with trembling voice, clenching on your collar while he chuckled.

"you.." he smirked when your back meets the wall. "did so well today," he craned his head to the side. "i thought i should give you an award," his index trails from your jaw to your lips, and your eyes instantly water, pressing the speed dial shortcut on the phone inside your pocket.

his eyes full of lust, it continues to wander between your eyes and lips. you felt more terrified than when a gun propped on your temple, than when it is your first time. this time around, it was an abductor that was contemplating whether to touch you or not. 

he leans in as you shut your eyes tightly, feeling his lips graze on your jaw, nibbling on the bottom of your ear, and you just knew he was leaving a mark. his lips continue to graze around your neck to your collarbones, to the other side of your jaw, then to your cheek. stopping right beside your lips, he smirked.

"you did so well with yumi, i'm so proud of you," he whispered and you feel his hot breath entering your slightly agape lips. you whimpered, as if it was some kind of habit you had when you had no words to say. 

you're weak. you were defenseless, you were powerless.

just as when he was about to lean in, a knock on the door stops him and you just had to thank whoever was there to stop him.

he lets out a low groan, tearing himself apart from you.

"boss, kang's here." jinwook's voice echoes on the quiet room- full of your heavy breath. seung raises his eyebrows and turns to look at you who was catching your breath. 

"tell him i'm on my way," seung replies and cranes his neck once again as he approached you with so little suspiciousness on his eyes. "we're going to your house tomorrow." he smirks while you looked at him with a surprised, confused and scared face.

"w-what? w-why?" you ask and he chuckles, lifting your chin with his index.

"why? you won't let your fiance meet your parents?" as he slips a ring to your finger.

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