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"and he just... left." you sighed, looking up at kang and jinwook who had intently listened to the whole story.

"what the fuck?" jinwook raises his eyebrows. "that's it?" 

"yep." you pressed your lips to a thin line, giving them a small smile.

"well what a dumb fuck." jinwook threw his head back.

"exactly my words." kang muttered, rolling his eyes.

"hey, you're barely around, jinwook. what have you been up to?" you shifted on your seat, changing the topic. "got a girlfriend?"

"well, okay, of course." kang and you perked up on your seat, "not. fuck-os," he rolled his eyes, leaning back on his seat. "im trying to get used to the normal life shitheads. no guns and knives involved in a daily life and things," he shrugged.

"wow, that's interesting," kang sarcastically smiled, later returning his attention to his phone.

"yes it fucking is." he throws a throw pillow at kang. "at least i have something to fucking focus on to fucking bury my feelings." he muttered, but came inaudible to you because kang quickly muffled jinwook's voice with the throw pillow jinwook just threw at him.

"well!" kang starts, "that's thanks to your father," kang smiles at you, who was looking confused. "if he didn't give all- and i mean equally, the money he inherited too all existing gangs, me, jinwook my brother here, would be dead in other's hands." he awkwardly chuckles and you nod.

"anyone heard of seung though?" you sighed, fiddling with your fingers. the topic really didn't make you feel the most comfortable, but you needed to know- actually, you wanted to know. seung was once a friend, and maybe he still is.

"i uh," jinwook took a cautious glance at kang, asking to continue. kang glanced at you, while looking utterly nervous though, you still anticipated an answer. kang nods at jinwook and asks him to continue. "i... keep in contact with him after he fled."

"he fled?!" you jerked up your seat, furrowing your eyebrows. "without telling me?!"

"technically- he didn't need to-," 

"he hadn't even said sorry yet! the audacity of his ass," you clicked your tongue. 

"calm down missy," jinwook pulled you down. "he's just.. busy taking care of things with his dad. okay? he told me he'll be back with a normal life too, just believe in him and i hope he goes back with a sorry ass too," he assured you with a smile.

"wait, so you're telling me, dohyun is the only one left in the mafia gang?" you hesitantly asked as they both nodded tightlipped. you pucker your lips, sighing.

maybe, you weren't really just that special. because for a second thought, you thought he's willing to drop anything to get you back.

well, thought.

he won't even talk to you for unknown reasons. 

"why don't you try talking to him again?" kang suggests, rubbing his palm together. jinwook raises his eyebrow at him. 

"he avoids me like a plague, kang. one second he's right in front of me the next millisecond he's not." you plop your back to your bed, making your head throb at the sudden impact. you groan, the two men rushing to check up on you.

"if that's the case then i'm going to talk to him." kang springs up on the bed, a determined look at his face.

"oh please, what are you going to say?" you exasperatingly sighed, scoffing at him.

"oh honey, you'll know." he gave a lopsided smile before running out your room, leaving you with an awkward jinwook.

"so.. move on from who?" you smirked, feigning innocence awhile ago as jinwook glared at you, finding any excuse he could throw at you.

it didn't take half an hour for kang to trace down dohyun. simple, he wasn't on his office? he had no schedule? he'd be on his favorite place- the bridge.

yes, that bridge where he unconsciously brought you when it should've been only for his favorite and closest people knows about the place. 

the place where he realized that he's finally fell for you in such a short amount of time. he was dragging time when he can easily slaughter the gang that abducted yumi, and he was just dragging time to spend more with you.

and, he denied it the more he realized it.

kang didn't waste a second to land a punch on dohyun's face, later sighing out of relief.

"well that was refreshing," kang cocked his head sidewards, shaking his wist to prepare landing another one. when dohyun didn't even flinch and let kang do what he wanted to do, kang scoffed. "this is no fucking fun when you're not fighting back," and standing back up.

"i deserve this," dohyun wipes his lip and grunts standing up, simply looking down at his shoes to follow kang's actions by leaning over the rail.

"pussy." kang muttered, "hyerin's fucking hurting all over again, just because you're fucking avoiding her." dohyun just hisses, throwing his head back in obvious frustration.

"i'm not avoiding her,"

"oh yes holy fuck, i'm going to believe that." kang sarcastically shakes his head. "please, just tell me what your plans are before i stop this friendly charade." kang was lying though, he just.. really wanted to stop you and dohyun from hurting when its pretty obvious you're still head over heels with each other.

even if that caused his heartbreak.

"i don't have plans kang. i can't even stop this fucking job- the one thing that hurt her. the one thing that has got her into this fucking mess, kang. i don't know what to do anymore." he defeatedly lowers his head, later sobs coming out of his mouth and tears continuously flowing out of his eyes.

kang just looked at him. he didn't know what to feel. yes, he wanted you too- truth be told. but seeing dohyun so new, so wanting to change for a single person, made him.. change too.

"i don't know what to say, bud." he faces dohyun fully. "talk to her and just say what you wanted to say. i don't know, anything."

"i should, should i?" dohyun pressed his eyes on his palm, chuckling at how dumb he sounded. "but didn't you guys... i don't know, why are you telling me this? didn't you.. briefly dated?" 

kang almost landed another punch on this fucking dumb man.

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