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and as fast as light, sun rose for the third day you're here, stuck in the dimly lit room. needless to say, you didn't get to sleep a blink. you were anxious. you've thought of the possible things that can happen to you, what may have happened to your parents all the time when you weren't at home, staying at doyhun's. 

"oh, you're awake." seung peeped through the crack of the door to see you already bathed, changed to comfier clothes other than the pyjamas you were offered every night. the maid has now found her way out of the room, giving you and seung the privacy like she always did.

you didn't bother looking at him as you know he could easily read your eyes. everyone always did it so easily. you hear him sigh as you feel the bed shuffle beside you, knowing he had made himself comfortable. you shut your eyes tight, waiting for him to touch you without your consent, knowing you are weak the moment you saw him shoot hyunsuk right through his brain without hesitance.

but it didn't come. instead, seung just brushed your hair repeatedly, staying quiet. but still, it brought chills to your spine, knowing more was going to come. 

those three days you stayed here, no other face except the maid have been seen. it was also a first that seung came to you after the first night.

"do i scare you that much?" he asks, and you can hear the smirk growing from his lips on how he asked. "i'm just the same old seung, hyerin. no need to be," he continued. you finally gathered your courage and slowly faced him, his face brightening.

"can you please.. please, just tell me what's happening..." you breathe out. he gives you a sigh as he takes his hands on yours, caressing it.

"your father didn't tell you, didn't he?" he glanced at your desperate state, only making his smirk go further. "your father was appointed the next leader of the biggest gang here, love. he has no choice but to accept it, so he ran away. but nevertheless, he still is the leader." he explained quite simply, and straightforward. you gawked, swallowing the lump that has formed on your throat. "so everyone's finding the most successful gang's leader's.. daughter. wanting to marry them and get half the money that gang gets," he just stared at you, waiting for you to let that sink in your mind.

you. daughter of the leader of the most successful gang. marry off.

those three statements made you shiver. you were barely on your twenties, and you were stuck in this shithole you called mafia world. yet you couldn't find yourself getting angry to your father, instead, worried about what might or may have happened in the process. and a second you thought, it was better you were getting this treatment than even imagining if they were on your place. but still, you weren't sure if they were indeed safe.

another thought passed through your mind, dohyun. and seung didn't let you ponder more on that side when he popped your bubble.

"and if you're wondering why dohyun threw you to us," he started, his grip on your palm unconsciously tightening, as if he read your mind. "simple. jeon yumi was the highest before you came," he caressed your cheek to which you flinched into, but his palm still found your cheek. "and he loved the girl." 

now you weren't just feeling anything you've said before, given the fact that even if you resented dohyun, you still felt your heart break. 

"but i'm here now, i've always been here, hyerin. if it weren't for dohyun making himself known to the cafe, we wouldn't have gotten here." 

"what do you mean?" you asked with a small voice. seung gives you a light smile, when you eventually started to talk more. 

"i knew it from the start, that's why i started going that fucked up college just to keep an eye on you, built a fucking cafe to land you a part time job and.. kept up with disgusting stares from women who knows only to drool for a man instead of the fucking coffee," he chuckles. "i would never mean harm to you, hyerin." instead of comforting you, like the usual- it scared you. 

horrifying, because his eyes told otherwise. it was dark, full of lust. you commend him though, for having to keep that all along you were here. 

"just.. marry me." his low voice cockily says, then throwing his head slightly backwards. "i'll let you live the normal life you had, with a promise you'll marry me- and make me the most successful man in his twenties in all of mafias," he smirks, and you pull away instantly from his touch. he gives you a strained laugh, and looks back at you again. "unless you want your parents dead," he shrugs, making you jerk up.

"no, not my family, seung.. please," your eyes stung with tears, "i'll do whatever you want," you plead, letting the tears fall and make seung chuckle in victory.

"then you're mine.. princess. " he whispered, wiping your tears away. "i'll do everything for you, too." as if light has shone upon you, you took that opportunity.

"then let me finish college, seung. let me just.. finish college. then you'll have me wholly. i'll- just, please. let me, i don't know, spend a normal time with my family until i finish college." you begged, looking at him with teary eyes. it wasn't literally a bargain, and you were ready for rejection.

"what my princess wants, she gets." he smiles, kissing your forehead. your stomach churned at the feeling, wanting to vomit at that moment. "just make sure no one knows or.. a bullet will be flying not only to your head.. but also to your parents," he smirks, knowing that hes got you under control.

because unbeknownst to you, he had already inserted a chip that tracked you on your ankle the first night you were here, your memories faded because of the amount of anesthesia his men and the doctor gave you. that you only think ankle was stinging in pain was because you had hurt it when they dragged you in here, the reason for your dizziness and fuzziness in your brain a cause of stress.

unbeknownst to you that he had already inserted a chip that has a real time recording that can be heard through his ear bud every second of everyday, to all of your things that he had caught up you always had when you were hanging out.

that he himself knew, you weren't slipping out of his fingers this time around, anything funny you do- a bullet will be dug to your whole family's brain. 

that's why he agreed.

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