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"you fucking better stay here. i'll let jinwook get you," he pushes you lightly under the table and brushes the cloth down after glancing around to see if someone was looking at your side. "bring your things with you," 

odd. you almost let out a scoff when he said that. if you weren't aware of the chip on your phone that tracked your location, you'll smack him for caring more for your things rather than his alleged fiance.

he shoved your bag underneath before running off and you can't hear anything more than gunshots, gunshots everywhere. 


that was the only thing that gunshots left with you. with no one by your side, not dohyun nor kang, not even seung, you weren't safe. you can't even trust yourself to run to the nearest exit and run for your life- no. the chances of being shot with hundreds of gunshot being heard at the same time is probably a hundred percent.

"hyerin!" you hear jinwook's call and you sigh to yourself. you just lost the sole chance of running away and kang's words rang in your ear. "get the fuck out!" you hear his faint grunt muffled by the sounds of his own gunshots, he tugged at the cloth that was covering the table. 

you just quietly choked out your sobs and followed, ducking when he pushed you down.

"no!" you hear dohyun's voice against gunshots, but jinwook wasn't having any of it before dragging you outside, shooting a few on their chest that you're positive will be forever engraved on your mind before you're met with the gush of cold wind.

"hyerin, oh my god," your father's voice makes its way to your ears, making you tear up.

"dad? why are you here?" you realized jinwook dragged you to your dad's car, standing guard of the both of you.

you eyed jinwook and it finally hit you- when he glanced at the big mirror that made kang seen, seeing them exchange nods before kang goes on shooting spree again. explains why jinwook has taken care of you, and why he didn't touch you yet couldn't bust the act up by taking too much care of you- just like what happened last night, a gun propped to his head.

"are you okay, are you hurt anywhere?" your dad asks and its too fast, too quick and too many to take in just minutes.

kang and jinwook are affiliated, your dad is here, and you finally see dohyun shooting men down, contrasting his 'desk man' title.

"kang needed all the help he can get, princess. are you okay? please, look at me." he saw the fear and constant confusion in your eyes amidst the chaos around you, "seung will pay." he muttered before nodding at you. he opens the door for you but just as quick as everything happening, your arm was snatched harshly before you even took a step.

you felt a stinging sensation on your neck, and you felt liquid dripping from your neck to your chest. 

"yumi!" jinwook shouts as he hears your whimper, and mumbled small curses under his breath when he sees you under chokehold of yumi's fragile yet dangerous because of the sharp knife she held against your neck.

"you fucktards," yumi chuckled satanically. you simply stretched out your neck as much as you can, holding your sobs that can make your throat bob at the knife. your eyes land at those same worried eyes you always yearned, running out of the big doors like a madman, splatter of blood evident in his face.

seung soon follows behind dohyun who had his eyes on his back, stopping only when dohyun did and trailed his eyes off to where he was looking- you.

kang runs out of the back door in order to trap seung, only also stopping after sensing the silent chaos on the yard.

and soon you were surrounded by dead bodies, a crazy woman, and five most important men in your life.

"yumi, what the fuck are you doing?" seung growls at her which made her laugh. that one line was the only line they needed to declare war not between these men's gangs, but them against one- yumi, and yumi in an advantage despite being outnumbered because, well, you were in her hands.

you stayed quiet. irritating her will do you no good, even if the knife had already struck your neck and the stinging sensation only spread.

"you- four men, ready to risk their lives just for a scummy life of a woman," you just looked down, your lips trembling as you hear your dad grunt under his breath. "oh. a plus one," yumi smirked as she tightens her arms on your neck making you whimper loudly under her touch that caused another light slice on your neck.

"yumi, fucking let her go." seung glares at her, taking a cautious step before getting stopped by dohyun when yumi stepped back making the knife bury on your neck once more. "what do you fucking want?" 

"seung, let's not play dumb here. you all know what i want," she trudges to her side to face your father, who's fear is obvious in his tense body and teary eyes. "i want his money and oh my fucking god- before this man here," she smirked at your father, "i was the only wanted woman in this mafia world! hell, i'd like to see you all fight for me too!" she laughed hard and threw her head back slightly. 

"you're fucking insane," dohyun snickers, looking at you straight in the eyes.

he can't lose you twice.

he thought, which is why he just looks at you, wanting you to please, just once again, trust him again like how you did before.

"i'd say i'm the only one sane here," she snaps back, "seung is so fucking crazy with the money and the top class, and what- abducting the daughter of the highest man? wow, what a fuck," you see seung click his tongue yet stayed quiet, "and of course, my love, my darling here, dohyun- oh so loved me so much, too much, he willingly sold his so-called girlfriend to get me back! thank you for that, hun," her head twirled around enjoying the attention everyone was giving.

the hundreds of lying bodies around you that were shot just minutes ago, were faint to your eyes. you prayed last night that- that was the last night you're vulnerable.

and maybe it is. because you're going to die, right here, right now.

"these two men right here," her knife slightly pointed to kang and jinwook, "gone soft? and for what? for.. her?" she trailed off, realizing something. "oh my god.. are you all possibly.. liking one girl?" she gasps happily, jumping at her place which made you stretch your neck more. "wow, now this. is a drama," she puckered her lips.

and everyone stayed quiet. because deep inside, they all knew deep in their hearts, at some point between their own struggles with yours, somewhere in between there that they wanted to bury, they actually liked you, fell for you.

yet they wanted to dismiss that feeling, because in the end, they also knew who you were gonna pick even if he puts you on some shit.

everyone caught up with how yumi herself broke the unspoken news, yumi found herself glaring at your father. 

"this is all your fault," she started, mumbling it like it was a ritual until, just as fast a thunder, the knife was on your father's stomach.

kang with his quick reflexes, took the opportunity to shoot her mercilessly, her body dropping to the floor while you pressed helplessly on your father's deep wound.


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