Chapter 10

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Ross P.O.V.

After having some food with my brothers and Jasmine we all decided to just go to our house and watch a movie till it went dark out. In al reality spending time outside the house was amazing since there much going around our lifes that excited us. Without being in R5 there aren't concerts we must attend, award shows that beg us to come, there is much of anything for us.

Its just that with the band there was something for R5 to do and we enjoyed it. I love to go around the world and see the many faces of my fans, that made my day. Just to see them show up for a concert or to wait outside of where we have our interviews, its just amazing. All of my best memories came from those tours and concerts because it was all a big part of my life.

But we took a break and heck I want that life back of traveling the world but then I remembered why I stopped. With one hand on the steering wheel of the car I put my other hand on top of Jasmine's hand curling my fingers in between hers.

Then it all comes to mind that I took the break so I could spend time with her, to experience being married for a while, to live a normal life. To go home after the honeymoon instead of hopping on a tour bus to attend to concerts. I talked the group into doing this and it was done because I wanted to know what it felt like to have her for a while.

Yeah sometimes I wished I had continued with the gigs that waited for us on those days but I turned my back on them. But here I am opening the door of our house heading to the living room and my eyes just follow Jasmine as she pops in a DVD in the DVD player.

"Are you okay?" Her gentle voice rings in my ears and I nod my head to answer her question. Then I felt her hands on my chest as she sat on my lap making me look at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked with desperate eyes wanting to know what was running through my mind. I didn't want to tell her because I didn't want her to believe that because of her I quiet my previous life of singing to thousands of people around the world.

"Its nothing really babe" I grabbed her hands and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles "I'm just tired from today" I said seeing her face soften.

"Okay then so while we wait for Riker and Rocky to arrive I will go make popcorn" she says before going to the kitchen leaving me alone in the living room to stare at the menu part of the movie.

"Look at this place! God this is like those houses you see in the magazine" I heard Rocky shouts of astonishment from the living room making me chuckle at him.

"Shut up Rocky" Riker's voice said and then I see them walk in holding a brown bag making my eyebrow raise at them.

"What's that?" I asked looking at them. I stared at Riker who open one of the brown bags and pulls out something throwing it at me.

I catch it seeing its Pixie Sticks, making me look up at them but they were standing next to the coffee table pouring candy from the brown bags on the table.

"Was it necessary to buy all this candy for one movie?" I asked staring at the two chuckleheads and they both pressed the play button to start the movie that Jasmine out in.

"Yes and we also brought another one in case you wanted to see another one" Rocky says as he grabbed a potato chip bag opening it popping every single chip into his mouth slowly. I shook my head at him and wondered what Jasmine was doing.

"I'll be back" I said as I got up from the couch heading to the kitchen that was dimly lit and I see Jasmine standing next to the microwave waiting for the popcorn. Next to her are two bowls full of popcorn making me shock at how much she was making.

By My Side(Book 2  to The Lynchs)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ