Chapter 55

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Jasmine P.O.V

So days after getting the news of R5 letting go of their record deal they became even more known, the were booming and they even got Ryland to handle most of their appearances along with gigs, Ryland was their new manager.

I was happy for them, trust me but I still had my doubts on it. It did give him a flexible schedule but how much of it would actually be spent with us. He has interviews and gigs planned around the world, it just shows that he will be spending even more time on tour then ever.

Leaving me alone with the kid since Jace will be going back to school very soon. Only a few more days and he's off. So now I am going to be in charge of four little babies that are close to being about a month old.

"Mom!" I hear Jace yell making me focus on what was going around me.

"Yes what happen?" I ask as I look at him who was sitting there at the table eating his pancakes.

He bites his lip and makes his eye go to the left "I think Jade made a mess in her diaper" He laughs as he looks at his little sister that was in her carrier.

I put down my cup and pick her up "Alright honey time for a change, Jace check if any of the others have made a boom boom" I shout behind me as I carry up the stairs to the nursery. There I lay her on the changing table where I clean her up quickly "There you go baby all clean" I said as I place a kiss on her cheek.

Jace runs in the room carrying Jennifer "She smells really bad" he cringes his face as he holds her away from him. He chuckles "Also the other two are downstairs also with poppy diapers" he laughs.

I put Jade in her crib and grab Jennifer "Bring them up" I said as I quickly clean her up and change her into a clean fresh new diaper "There you go fresh little baby.

Jace hands me Jackie as he holds Jaegar "I will go get his diaper" he says before going to the closet and walking out with one diaper "Mom he is running low on diapers"

I look back at him as I finish cleaning up Jackie "How much does he have left?" I ask as I try to remember how long ago was the last time I bought diapers. Maybe when they first arrived  or I could've been a few weeks ago.

"This is the last one" he frowns as he calms down Jaegar who was probably crying from his diaper.

I nod my head "Ok um then I guess we are going to go shopping, for both your school supplies and the babies" I said as I grab Jaegar and hand him Jackie. I quickly change him and put him in his crib.

Jace nods his head "Alright I just have to go get the list I printed from the website" he says before running out of the room.

I look at all of the babies and see that I have to dress them since they are just in their diapers. So I grab a pair of pink, blue, purple pants for the girls along with a white shirt since they have been having bathroom problems. Then for Jace I put him in a onesie and a pair of shorts.

Then the diaper bags come in mind as I grab one from the closet filling it with four bottles filled with the powder formula and then I filled a bottle with hot water. Four extra clothing options, some extra diapers, baby wipes and I felt like packing the whole house in the bag but this is my first time leaving the house alone with the kids.

Then I see my reflection in the mirror with my blue shirt covered in vomit and my shorts covered in milk stains. So I get out of the room heading to my room to quickly change into a long maxi dress since my body is still not ready for anything. For extra coverage I wear a light jean jacket over it with a pair of sandals.

I step out to put all of the kids in their carriers and then out in the car. Jace runs out taking a seat in the passenger seat before we drive off. "So where are we going mom?" he asks with a smile as he looks at me.

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