Chapter 44

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Ross P.O.V

I followed the nurse to the nursery where all the kids were being held at and where there was a guard just outside watching over my kids. So when she first pointed them out I cried more then I should've. My children were right there all in their own little bed, wrapped tightly in their own little blankets and it was an overwhelming feeling.

Waited months just to see them and here they were. Through all the pain and hard work here were four little angels. I pressed my hand against the glass and I wanted to hold them but they look so small and fragile that I was scared they could break.

"When do you think they can be in the room?" I ask the nurse with a soft voice as I still look at my kids squirming around. I can't get a good look at them since they were a little farther back.

"They just need to go through some examinations since they were born early and little so let the doctor check them then I will send them back up to you" she says with a smile.

"And what about my wife?" I ask quickly because all of this happening was crazy. I walked into this hospital as a husband and will leave as a father to four children.

The nurse looks through her clipboard and looks at me "She will be in her room after some checkups and congrats on being a father" she said before walking off into the room.

I walk back to the room to see Jasmine there, laying on her bed as Jace held her hand "Honey! Are you okay?" I ask as I go to her other side and hold her hand.

Her eyes look at me and she smiles "I'm fine just a little weak is all" she looks around the room and then stares at me "Where are my babies?" she asks.

I smile at her "I ask the nurse they have to do some checkups and then they will bring them back up over here. Also don't worry my manager put security on us and the babies so wherever they go the guards go, also for us" I said as I hold her hand.

She giggles at my words "You are exactly what I expected, a over protective father" She says before connecting our lips together.

"Mom how many brothers and sisters do I have?" Jace asked quietly as he stood there and I took a wild guess that it came from me and his mom kissing right in front of him.

Jasmine pulled him close and place a kiss on his head "You have three little sisters and one very little brother" she smiles sweetly "I want to tell you that I will always love you, okay baby. You are one special little man to me and you in my heart are my first little baby. Even though I didn't see you grow up I want you to know that you're my son, my little man" tears spill from her eyes as she caresses Jace who was also crying.

"You both are my parents no matter what, I love you both. And I will understand everything that happens in the future cause I know that you love me and will never leave me" He says with a smile as he grabs me and we all hug tightly.

This was our family once but now we made room for more of us, we accept these four little kids. With every family there is going to be struggles and arguments, things that we can pass and things we can't ignore. We are just starting and sadly we have so much to go through and we have a long time to do so.

"So what we naming them?" I ask "Jace what do you think?" I smile as I see his green eyes shine at the question.

"Since there is one boy can we name him Toby? I really like the name and its a name that's cool" he giggles as he looks at us.

I look at Jasmine who was a little upset "I wanted to keep the J names going, you know since Jace is the oldest keep the thing your parents did with the R's" she says and that's when I knew how much stress came with having children. And these were just the names.

"How about we put Toby as a middle name and so Jace still has a chance to call him Toby, deal?" I look at the two of them and hope that this was a simple situation.

They both nod their head and right at that second the nurse rolls in a little crib containing one of the kids and then three other nurses comes in rolling in the others. She smiles at us and looks at Jasmine "You okay?" she asks as she looks at the machines writing the numbers that appear on the screen.

"Perfectly fine" Jasmine responded as she looks at our four little kids lined up on one wall making her smile. "When can I breast fed them?" she asks looking at the nurse.

The nurse sees us and smiles "Well I will teach you" she grabs one of the girls and puts her in Jasmine's arms "Now Ross will you loosen her night gown so she can breast fed" the nurse orders as she goes off to wash her hands again.

I look at Jace so he goes somewhere else and he walks to the bathroom. I loosen the tie on Jasmine's nightgown so her front was expose and I felt like turning around to give them privacy but I had to learn to see this.

The nurse was teaching her through it all and Jasmine was basically feeding our little girl like a pro. I smiled at the sight and felt like we were basically already pro parents. Then the nurse look at me "Since she doesn't have four breast you will have to feed some of them with milk bottles" she grabs a formula bottle that was on the crib and attaches a something to the top.

She grabs the little boy and teaches me how to hold him and then puts the bottle in my hand "Make sure that he drinks most of the bottle cause he is the tiniest one in the whole group. He was the last one born and the one who got less nutrients throughout the whole pregnancy" she looks at the other babies and looks at Jace "Come here"

Jace runs to her side and looks at his little sisters "You can feed them too you know" the nurse smiles as she hands a baby to Jace and makes him sit on the couch then hands him a bottle.  Then she herself feeds the remaining baby while we were all feeding kids in one room.

I look at the small tiny baby in my arms making me smile. From the looks of it he had blonde hair at the top of his head and it reminds me quickly of Jace. Sadly his eyes were closed so the color remain a mystery to me but I was so happy to finally be able to hold one of my kids and to feed them.

The nurse puts one of the girls back in the crib and marks down something in her clipboard. Then she grabs the baby from Jace putting her in a crib and goes to all of us grabbing the kids placing them in cribs. "The order they were born in is listed on their nametag, all you need is a name because right now they are Lynch baby 1 or corresponding to the order" she says with a soft chuckle.

I get up from the couch going to the babies and look at my daughter labeled one, she had brown hair, brown eyes and even freckles, she looked a little like Jasmine as baby. "I want her to be called Jade Williams Lynch" I said as I look at Jasmine who was smiling.

I go to the second baby and see how softly she was sleeping in the crib making me chuckle. Her blonde hair in a puffy mess, looks almost like me in the mornings "The name Jackie Williams Lynch sounds good on this one" I said with a smile as I gently caress her tiny cheek.

Next was the third baby who was awake or jut had her eyes open enough to see the blue tint in them. Her brown hair was smoothed out and her tiny hands were in little fists making me smile. She was so beautiful that it made me cry as I look at the other girls, they were all so beautiful "Jennifer Williams Lynch" i choked out softy.

Then there he was, the small little runt of the family, with his blonde hair and tiny frame. The crib look so big with him in it but he weighed a small 4 pounds while the other were on a range of 6-7 pounds range. "His name is Jaegar Toby Williams Lynch" I said as I rubbed away a tear.

"I will be back soon" the nurse says before leaving us alone in the room.

"I like those names" Jasmine says softly.

I smiled as I took my phone out and took a picture of my four little children and decided to post it on Instagram 'Say hello to Jade, Jackie, Jennifer and Jaegar, the new addiction to our family' I typed. Now the world could see what I fought to keep safe, what I made with Jasmine, I made my family.

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