Chapter 20

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Jasmine P.O.V

I open the front door to see my mother but I was shocked at how different she looked.

Her long black hair was not cut short, almost all of it gone. She looked sick almost and her brown eyes were dull. I go out to hug her and I could feel her small skinny body.

"Mother" I said into her shoulder and I could feel her bony hands on my back.

"Mija, my sweet beautiful mija" She whispered to me softly. I grabbed her hand and walked in the house.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked her softly as I led her to the living room.

"No I'm fine but oh just look at you" She said covering her hand over her mouth as she looked at me "Mija how many months?" She placed her hands over my stomach.

"Five months" I said with a smile as I watched her eyes shine.

"That's crazy, five months? Are you sure cause you look like you are going to give birth any second now" She said laughing.

A smile broke through my lips at her attempt of a joke "Um yeah I'm sure I am five months, I'm going to the doctors soon, probably this week" I said shaking my head.

"Oh that's great sweetie" She looked around the room seeing the area "Where's Ross?" She asked with a smile.

I looked at her with confusion "Mama I told you yesterday that he was going on tour again" I said as I took a seat next to her on the couch.

She stared at me for a long time "Oh right, right look at me the old age already getting to me" She laughed "Ya esto veja!" She laughed harder.

I smiled as I held her hand "You are not that old mother" I said as I placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Oh honey I wish but your father is younger then me" She said.

"By like two years" I laugh "I wish he was here right now" I said knowing that he was off working.

My mother frowned before hugging me "Oh me too but you know, tu padre es un hombre trabajor" My mother says in her accent.

"I know he's a hard working man but por favor bring him one day cause I want him to see his grandchildren one day" I said to her smiling.

"Okay mija but at least he will see this cute little baby" She said rubbing my pregnant belly.

"Mom I am having twins, or at least that's what the doctor says" I said smiling as I see her eyes widen as pinballs.

"Oh my!" She cheers "My daughter is having twins, no wonder you're so big!" She says hugging me then kisses my cheeks.

"Yeah and I want to show you the nursery" I said as I grab her hand as led her up the stairs. I open the nursery door showing her the walls painted half blue and half pink.

"Its beautiful" She said smiling.

"I know. Ross and Riker painted the room all by themselves" I said smiling as I touch the walls.

"They are good boys I mean they are just amazing" My mother says as she goes to the window where Riker had installed a window bench.

"That's why I married Ross" I said with a smile as I went to go sit next to her.

A soft smile appeared on her face "I'm so happy for you right now, I'm glad you are with the one you love mija" She said softly.

"Mom I want to ask you if you can join me to go get the ultrasound with me tomorrow along with Stormie" I said as I grab her hands hoping for her to agree.

"Of course I want to see my grandchildren and i get to see my best friend Stormie. And you know what would be good?" She asked with a wide smile "If I bring your father"

I smiled at the idea "That will be perfect if you can bring him" I said giving me a hug.

"I will bring him and you know what I will ask him right now" She said before pulling out her phone. She dials dads number and puts the call on speaker.

"Honey you okay?" I hear my father's voice answer.

"Ryan I am going to join Jasmine tomorrow to go see her babies and she wants you to go. She's here with me right now and I think she's expecting a yes" My mother says with a smile.

I hear a sigh "Oh mija, mi hija presosa how I wish I could go but I'm busy with meetings and delivers" I hear hum say and I felt my heart drop. I havent seen him since my wedding and i really want to see him again. He's my father.

"But I will always make time for my princess" He says and I can just imagine his bright smile.

"Yah thank you padre, I love you" I said into the phone feeling myself get really happy. I was basically jumping at the excitement that I was having my father with me making a new memory.

"I love you too baby girl but I have to get back to work so I will see you tomorrow" He says before hanging up.

I hug my mother "He's coming! I'm going to see my father!" I cheered and when I look at her I see that look of confusion take over her again.

 She stayed quiet for a long time till a smile took over her face "I'm happy too Jasmine now lets go have some coffee and watch some movies" She said with a smile.

I really needed my mom and dad with me right now just like everyone else. At least I had a few friends and family that were still here to help me out.

By My Side(Book 2  to The Lynchs)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن