Chapter 46

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Jasmine P.O.V

We were still in the hospital and Ross has been here since forever, I was begging him to go home to shower and rest a little. "Ross just go I'm fine, we have the nurses, doctors, and the bodyguard is right there. Nothing bad is going to happen to me or the babies" I said.

He looks at me and sighs "I don't want to leave you all alone especially when they all are awake. Jasmine I want to help out, we have at least a day or two left here in the hospital then its back home, I want to be here, can't leave you alone" he says leaning down to connect our lips for a kiss.

I smiled when he did this "I just want you to relax for a while, you look so tired and if you go shower back home, you can bring me back clothes so I can shower. I haven't showered since I had these children and I really want one" I said as I pull slightly at the collar of his shirt.

He smiles and pecks my lips "Okay um also Riker said he will be here with maybe Rocky and my mom, not sure but he will be here to see the kids" he said before going to all four kids and giving them kisses "I will bring you a pizza if you want" he says.

I smile and nod "Yes please" I said as I give him one last kiss before he leaves me alone in the room. I hear one kid begin to cry so I got off the bed walking to little Jade "Mama is here" I said as I hold her and take a seat on the rocking chair so I could breastfeed her.

She struggled a little and I stared out the window seeing the sky and the hospital "I wonder how many other women are having children or sitting by the window feeding their children?" I look down and smile at Jade "Honey you are like the oldest girl here and I want you to know that you are an amazing girl. No matter what people tell you, you don't listen to their words, unless their wise of course" I said as I fix her little hat on her head.

There was a knock that soon let in Riker, Rocky and Stormie "Hey Mama Lynch" Rocky cheers as he goes to hug me and then goes to see the other babies.

Stormie walks to me and hugs me tight "Congratulations Jasmine, oh honey the kids are just so beautiful" she says as she looks at Jade and smiles "She is so beautiful, looks just like her mother" she smiles.

"Thank you so much, well Ross is her father so I thank him for making our children beautiful" I chuckled as Jade falls asleep and I get up to put her in her crib. I wrapped her body in the blanket and made sure she was comfortable and was laying right, made sure there was no milk on the sides of her face.  

"It's weird to see the babies of the family raising babies" Riker smiles as his hands are tucked in his pockets. He looked so uncomfortable in the hospital room, seeing young babies, seeing the children of his young brother who was just starting out as an adult.

Stormie smiled and placed a hand on Riker's shoulder "Well they at least have everything a family needs, a home, a good income, a loving family, and just amazing parents" she says while she places a kiss on Riker's cheek "Now I need my oldest son to have children" she chuckles.

"Riker will be that old grandpa with his children just entering kindergarten" Rocky laughs as he stands next to Jennifer and smiles "I swear all your children look beautiful, there is like little hints of you and Ross in all of them"

I smile at Rocky's comment "That means so much to me. I don't see why some say that these stages of life babies don't look like anyone I clearly see hints of all of us in these kids" I said as I walk to Jaegar and carry him back to the bed.

"Well all the kids normally are just fresh and they don't have many looks. But I mean this little boy looks a little like Ross but excuse the blue eyes, so basically all the boys in the family have blonde hair" Stormie chuckles.

The little baby boy in my arms whimpers and he wails out. I begin to rock him slightly hoping that it will comfort him but he only starts to cry harder. "What's the matter baby boy?" I look up at them "Usually they never cry this much only for food or for a change of diaper" I said a little worried.

"Maybe he's hungry" Rocky said quietly as he walks over to me and takes Jaegar holding him trying to rock him but only results in him to let out another loud wail.

I shook my head "No he just ate like before Ross left to go back home. I also changed his diapers around that time, I don't know why he is crying" I said feeling awful that I cant calm down my child, my child was in pain or completely lost and I cant help to solve it.

"Mom give it a try" Rocky hands the baby to her and she held on the child. Her arms wrap around him but he only kept crying, his wails got louder. He didn't stop crying.

I look at Riker and I wanted to cry because I didn't know what to do "I am so lost" I said softly as I look at my own baby begin to cry louder. He was in pain but I was lost in his cries. I had no idea what was running through his small little baby mind, no idea what he was feeling, no idea how to respond to it.

Riker grabs the kid and hold him tight "Maybe he is tired, wants to go to sleep but can't. There are a million possibilities on what he wants. Who knows what he wants but its worth trying every possibility just to make sure" he said as he pat softly Jaegar's back and was rocking him.

Softly the wails calmed down and Jaegar soon was a snoozing baby boy sleeping in Riker's arms. I smiled at him "Thank you so much" I whispered to him as I look at him so grateful.

He nodded his head and smiled "Its alright" he whispers back as he gets up and takes a seat in the rocking chair.

"Well me and Rocky are going down the cafeteria to get you guys some snacks or any meals they have down there" she said with a smile as both her and Rocky walk out the room.

I sit there looking at Riker and smile "I really thank you for taking care of my little boy" I said as I see little Jaegar sleep in his arms. I love to see the family all spend time with the kids cause it was amazing to have everyone together live this moment with me.

Riker smiled "I am happy to help out but coming here was almost scary for me" he said softly as he looks at Jaeger. His eyes almost let tears out but he quickly blink them away in a flash.

"Why?" I ask as I look at him seeing the emotions he was trying to hide.

"Well I am getting older and even though it looks like I don't age I cant seem to find the right women to spend my entire life with, to have children with. I just don't see one and I really want a child to hold, to call my own. I remember holding every single one of my brothers when they were babies and how much joy they gave me" He smiles weakly.

I got up from the bed and walk up to him placing a hand on his shoulders "Riker you will find someone, there is someone out there in the world looking for you as well. But here is the thing this might take a while but you have to go out there and look for her, you are on this tour so you have this chance to do it" I said as I look into his eyes "And when you find her she will love you more then anything in the world" I said with a smile.

Riker looks at me and smiles "I hope so I can find her one day but I think with all this waiting to go look for her she is probably already with a family and ruining a family is not the idea" he says with a frown. His eyes look at Jaegar and he caress his cheek softly.

"Dont say that, you never know" I said.

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