Chapter 19

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Ross P.O.V

I open my eyes seeing my guitar lay next to me and that I probably fell asleep in the back. I look at my notebook that had words on it but I was feeling so groggy that I didn't bother with it. So I put my instrument back in its case before going to the kitchen.

I grab my towel then head to take a shower. So once that was over i wore jeans and a shirt then looked at my phone. First thing I did was look for any new messages that Jasmine could've sent me and I see that she has texted me. So I decided to call her.

It was only nine in the morning and I was hoping to finally talk to her. So as I wait to hear her voice again my heart is beating like crazy. Then its all music to my ears from there.

"Ross" Her voice fills my ears and all I could do is smile.

"Baby who are you?" I asked as I leaned back on the couch staring at the large windows in the bus.

"I'm good just finished having breakfast actually. How are you?" Jasmine asked and I could hear water running in the background.

"I'm good I just woke up and still need to eat" I said as I hear the water stop and footsteps hitting the floor.

She laughs softly before answering "Well I need you to eat Ross" Jasmine says and I could just imagine her smiling.

"So do you have anything plan for today?" I ask wondering what she will do for the seven months that I'm gone. Or just the time I wont be there to visit her.

"Um I was thinking about having a day spent with my mom since I haven't talked to her in forever" She said softly.

I can remember that her mom attended our wedding and after that we havent actually seen her "Well tell my mother in law that I love her and that I send hugs" I said smiling.

"I will dont worry" She said with a giggle "I also have my appointment in a few days as well and I was thinking that if you can't make it then my mom or your mom can join me" she says softly.

I suddenly felt my body stiffen at the mention of me not being there but I knew this was going to happen "Yeah...that sounds good to me" I said slowly and softly.

"I will send you sonograms of the babies when I get them" She said and I could see her face glowing with that motherly glow.

"I will love that babe" I said as I lay on the couch.

"So tonight is the first concert" She said and I felt a smile grow on my lips.

"Yeah and I'm getting nervous actually. Its sort of scary to be back, I mean what if they dont like us?" I asked feeling the need to throw up.

The other end is full of laughter "Ross they would've not bought tickets if they didn't like you. I read a article that was talking about your big comeback and believe it or not, they said this was huge" Jasmine says.

I felt my palms get sweaty almost making me drop my phone but I dried them on my jeans "That's insane, just thinking about it is making me happy" I said feeling my body get jumpy "But I still wish you were here with me" I said to her.

"You have no idea how I wish I was there too. I would've like to spend the tour with you guys instead of being stuck at our house all by myself" I hear her voice fill with disappointment.

I felt bad that she was alone and it was like guilt was eating me alive "I wish I were there with you, watching a movie or just holding onto you. I wish to give you kisses and hold your hand all the time" I said to her.

"I wish you were here too" She said softly.

"I will be there soon before you know it" I said "I will be joining you to go to bed, I will be there t change diapers and to carry our children" I said smiling.

"I have to go Ross since my mom is already here but I will call you later, okay?" Her voice says softly.

"Okay, I love you" I said feeling a wider smile take over my face.

"I love you too" I heard her voice say before the line went dead.

I put my phone to charge before I go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. So while I was eating my bagel I looked out the window seeing how many miles we were away from Jasmine and how many miles were we closer to the first concert.

It was like I'm going from normal life to that same old lifestyle I had before. Changing from sitting in the house with Jasmine watching movies to going and playing for a millions of people. Going back to cameras flashing in your face, going to award shows, meeting new people around the world. There were UPS and downs in this business but yet I love doing this.

Maybe I can go sing and then go back home to be with Jasmine once she's close to being pregnant. That sounded like a plan to me and then Rydel rushed in the kitchen holding her phone.

"I was looking for you everywhere" She says as she takes a seat next to me

"I'm on a bus" I said rolling my eyes but all I see is concern on her face.

"Ross you need to read this' She says handing me her phone that was showing me a article.


Ross Lynch and his siblings are off on tour again after their short break they took. They have been tweeting saying how happy they are about being back on the road and meeting new people. But with Ross its a different story, there has been rumors about him and his wife having rough times. They were about to get a divorce once is what many have heard. Also since Ross announcing that his wife is pregnant we have no pictures of either of them, especially not Jasmine. So maybe this tour is not just to go off and reunite with fans but to leave the problems back at home. This is why we wait to get married at an older age and not at 21 years old.'

I was furious at the person who wrote this and I wanted to just yell that this was all lies. "When was this put out to the public?" I asked looking at Rydel.

"Since last night" She said taking back her phone "I thought you need to know since if you start hearing rumors at concerts or just in the public" She said giving me a hug.

I try to relax and hug her back "I'm glad you are here with me cause if you weren't I would've gone crazy" I said with a small chuckle.

"That's why I'm here to keep all my brothers sane" She started to laugh.

There was another reason to going around travel and it was that I got to do this with my brothers and sister. I started this whole experience with them and we are still going. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

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