Chapter 33

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I knew that this night Ross was to leave to head back on tour and even though Jace will be here with me, it still feels like it would be empty without him. We were still driving in the car from the doctor and once we got home he had to begin packing then it was goodbye. And for once I didn't want to arrive home.

"So Jace you do know that its going to be a while until I comeback home, right?" Ross asked the young child. He told him that he would be gone for a while and Jace took it awfully well.

"Yes father, I know that I have to take care of mother and her children, keep her safe and make her happy" He said softly.

I turned around to look at him and hold his hand "Oh my boy" I said with a smile "You are amazing" I said as I look into his amazing green eyes.

"We have an amazing boy Jazzy" Ross said with a smirk as he puts his attention back on the road.

I close my eyes and listen to the wind outside whistling in my ear. Next thing I know I am falling asleep.


I am on the table and I see monitors connect everywhere on my body. I see doctors surrounding the  table I am on and then I look at Ross who was holding my hand.

"What's going on?" I ask as I look around seeing the monitors and doctors.

He chuckles softly and I see tears in his eyes "You are in labor baby" He says as his lips come down connecting to mine.

I look around again and see my mother standing in the corner with my father, holding onto each other tight. Then I see Rydel in the other corner crying but with a smile on her face.

"Labor?" I asked softly as I notice that I'm not feeling any pain that they say is felt when in child labor. Again maybe I'm just a lucky mother.

"Yeah you have pain killers, really strong ones" Ross says as he looks at the doctors who are writing stuff in their clipboards and look at the monitors.

I still can't process that I am about to give labor until I felt a sharp pain take over my body making me yell that fills the whole room.

"Jasmine you okay?" Ross asked his voice filled with pain and worry as he held my hand tighter.

The doctors look at each other in confusion "It should be completely impossible for her to feel pain" I hear the doctor say as his hands fall on top of my belly as he rubs it.

I feel even more pain and I scream louder then before "I cant stand the pain!" I shout at the top of my lungs feeling that my insides are being torn out.

"Jasmine we need you to relax or you will put those babies in danger" The doctor warns and all I could do is scream.


I wake up on my bed feeling the warm duvet under me. I see that I am in my bedroom and not on a hospital bed with a crazy amount of monitors connected to my body. I see that I'm in my dress and not in scrubs, I am in such a huge relief that I can finally relax.

That must have been a nightmare that I wish I have never thought of. If that ever happen to me in real life I will cry and that didn't stop me from crying right now. And with my whimpers Ross came into the room looking at me.

"Babe you okay?" He asked worried and the tone in his voice reminded me of my terrible dream.

I look at him and get up from the bed wrapping my arms around his neck "You have no idea how much I love you and this family" I said through sobs. I could feel his hands wrap around me holding me tight.

"Jasmine I'm worried for you" He says softly as his lips connect to the top of my head.

I can't let him know about the dream, especially not now that he is about to leave for his tour "Don't be babe I just will miss you" I said as I bury my face into his chest.

"I will be back before you know it and we will have those babies soon" He chuckles as he rocks me side to side.

He doesn't even know how terrified I am now of delivering these little children. I love them and no one can doubt that but the fact that what that nightmare did to me is almost like a scar was made on my skin. It feels like someone has the life of my babies on a string and with one wrong move everything is going to be taken from me.

"I know you will" I said as I take in his scent. He smelled of the air outside, a mixture of my perfume and the scent of his cologne making him. He was just so perfect as I see him here.

"I gave Jace dinner and now he is in his room reading the books we got him" Ross chuckles as he takes back on the bed laying me there "You hungry?" he asked softly.

I look at the time "Depends on what is being offered" I said with a smirk as I go on my phone and look through my instagram feed.  Just as I go on the camera to take a picture of him, he plunges at me connecting his lips with my neck making me giggle.

I think I took a few pictures before my phone slipped from my hand as Ross slowly got on top of me as I lay under him. He was holding himself almost in a push up position as he looked down at me.

"Oh god am I in love with you" He said as his lips connected with mine and I wrap my arms around his neck.

I was given this amazing boy who loves me endlessly. I also love him like I can't love anything else, to me this is the highest point in love. I don't think I can love anything more then I love Ross. He is my soulmate that makes me happy and will love me no matter what.

"I am madly deeply in love with you" I said as I brush my lips over his face and to his neck. Oh god do I miss having him as close as before getting pregnant but now I don't plan on taking any risks at all.

"Honey I do love you like crazy but I have to leave" He said softly with an upsetting tone.

I look around the room for luggage but I saw none, maybe it was downstairs. I sit up and sigh "Okay" I said as I grab his hand and we walk down the stairs.

I look at him "Are you going to say good bye to Jace?" I asked softly as I cross my arms over my chest.

He nodded "Yeah he took it well'' Ross smiles and I see the little angel in him.

I get on my tippy toes and connect our lips "I love you" I said to him.

He smiles "I love you more" He says as he leans down to connect our lips again. Then at that moment we hear a bus honk and outside was the tour bus waiting for Ross.

We give our goodbyes and he runs off carrying his luggage. I almost want to cry but this is his dream that I support, he supports me in almost everything so I will support him in this little thing. Even if it hurts like hell seeing him drive away.

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