Chapter 54

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Jasmine P.O.V

I wake up to the bed dipping and I see that its still dark but Ross is on his phone. He has his back towards me and by the tone of his voice he isn't too happy. I know its bad to listen to his conversation but I just had to find out why he is up at 3 in the morning and not have a baby in his arms.

"Look I know I took some time off but I did it to be with the kids. I have a family and everything just like you do and it would be nice if I could just have a few more days" he says as I see him rest his face into his hands.

There was soft mumbling from the phone and I could hold the sheets close to me and press my face to the pillow scared of what he was discussing on the phone. I felt like it wasn't going to make me so happy or have a good outcome from it.

"I did the interview and that should've given me another week, I brought strangers into my house and see my kids" he went silent and then he gets up from the bed "Look my family needs me, my wife needs and all I am asking for is a few more days, even a few more hours could help" he says his voice getting softer.

I see him turn around so I close my eyes quickly trying to look as if I was sleeping. I take a while before I open my eyes to see Ross go out in the hall where his voice becomes barely audible. I sigh and I want to go follow him but that would mess up everything.

Then I hear the cry of a child so I quickly get up from my bed to head off to the nursery to see Jaegar crying his little lungs out. I quickly pick him up and hold him close to calm him down "What's the matter honey?" I ask as I take him out the room so he doesn't wake another of his siblings.

So as I walk into the room I see Ross sitting on the bed covering himself as he hides his face "Jasmine!" he says in shock as he tries to hide his phone quickly.

I pretend to not notice and forgot about listening in to his conversation "Ross what's up?" I ask as I rock Jaegar who was now calming down. I sat on the bed and started to breast feed since he needed to eat more then the rest of his sisters.

Ross comes to sit behind me and places a kiss to my shoulder "You have no idea how much I love these kids" he says as he runs Jaegers' blonde hair. "I thought loving you was the most I could love someone else but once I saw our children ii grew a whole new level of love" he says with his voice cracking.

I look at him and frown "You okay Ross?" I ask feeling as if there was more to that conversation he had on the phone. I was so worried to what was happening, to what going to happen and how it will effect all of us.

He wipes away his tears and presses his face to the crook of my neck "My manager called saying I have to leave soon to put on all the concert dates in order so we don't miss a single one" he says "I tried for him to let me stay longer but he says that I could loose a lot of money and basically ruin my career" he cries.

I bite my bottom lip and kiss his forehead "You have to do what you have to do. So if that involves you leaving us so you can go ahead, I understand" I said with a force smile feeling the tears build up in my eyes.

He grabs my chin and smiles "I am not leaving any time soon, I told him I wasn't going and that R5 is no longer going to work with him" he says with a chuckle.

I stare at him with wide eyes and look down at Jaegar before putting him on the bed "What?!" I ask feeling like I was about to pass out from the news. "How are you going to work all of this out?" I ask.

He grabs my hands and presses kisses to them "We have been talking about it since I've been married, we have decided to quit with him and start our own record deal. We are own managers and we have our own schedules. Everything is going to be fine, since it was Ryland and Rocky idea" he smiles wide.

I hug him tight "Remind me next time we see them to give them huge hugs" I said feeling him smile against my skin.

"Its going to work out perfectly. We have gigs set and everything but from our new songs and soon putting out a new album we will be alright. Rydel is working on actually making us a management so we can sign other artists" he smiles.

"I wish you told me this in the morning cause with this much happiness and excitement I can never go back to sleep" I say to him and then there was a knock at out bedroom door "Come in" I say.

Jace walks in rubbing his eyes "I was hearing cheering and screams so I came down here just a little scared" he says with his cheeks blushing.

I look at him before laughing "Oh Jace it's okay it is just that your dad just gave me the best news ever" I said not being able to stop smiling since he jus gave me the world's best news ever. I can still have my husband around and share amazing memories with him.

Jace looks at Ross with a raising eyebrow "What happen while I was sleeping?" He asks looking around the room before walking in to sit next to Jaegar. His fingers gently run through Jaegar's blonde hair as he looks at us.

Ross smiles wide "I no longer have to follow my manager's rules anymore, cause we quit with him" he says.

Jaegar gets up quickly and looks at him "SO does this mean you won't be laving any time soon?" he asks as his smile begins to grow wide.

Ross nods "Yes son, dad is going to stay here longer" he says before Jaegar runs to him to hug him tight.

"So we can finally be a normal family" Jaegar says as he pulls me in for a hug.

I smile at Ross and nod "Yeah I guess we can finally be a normal family" I say as I hold Ross' hand and I see our wedding rings. We can and are a normal family cause we all love each other more then we can imagine.  

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