Chapter 51

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Jasmine P.O.V

Riker walks in and goes straight into the living room taking a seat on the couch "Okay I need a drink and a lot of advice" he says with his face hidden in his hands. He looks stress and scared but and I didn't know what to do.

Ross runs out of the room leaving me alone in the room with Riker "So what's the matter?" I ask before taking a seat on the other couch looking at him.

Riker sighs and he looks at me " Well you know how everyone makes fun of me because I'm the oldest one who doesn't have a family or basically anything besides a home and a car" he says shaking his head.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean anything, its all just a bunch of jokes" I said before he got up from the couch for a second then took a seat back down.

"Well it got to me and so I was talking to a person down at the sperm donation bank and I donated sperm to a lesbian couple" he says.

At that exact moment Ross comes in with a beer and his face is shock "I think we need something much stronger" he says before walking back out.

I look at Riker and didn't know how to feel "So how is that going to work?" I ask not knowing what to say or do.

Riker sighs "I talk to the couple, they are both really nice people and I settle arrangements with them about me being able to spend time with my child when its born. I get to be its father, I get days with him, and I get to have part custody. Its basically a relationship without the marriage, the wife and just the kid" he says before grabbing a beer can "That's not crazy right?" he chuckles nervously.

Ross comes back in holding a bottle of scotch and two glasses "Finally I have a use for having dozens of scotch in the bar. And for Riker's sake thank god I am finally twenty one" he says before pouring two glasses, one for him and one for Riker.

"I might as well tell everything now that Ross is here" Riker says before taking a huge gulp of scotch.

********Riker's P.O.V of flashback********

I had finally arrived to the bank and I was scared of my mind. I told the people here what I wanted to do and it was to be a father of a child, to see them but without the whole girlfriend thing. I mean it would be nice to have a wife, share memories with, someone to grow old with but at this point in my life, I think that's the last thing I want.

So for me to donate my stuff I had to go through a few tests and be cleared to have this all happen. There was so much going into this that I was hesitant to back out now. So I had to wait in a room before being able to meet the couple I was donating to and that agree to my standards.  

A small brown hair women walks in with a short hair red haired women. They both looked nervous and worried just like I was. This was actually happening and I was going to get so scared. "Hey guys" I said to them and I smile hoping that we could lighten the mood.

The small brown hair women smiles back at me "Hey Riker, when they said you were the one donating I didn't think it was going to be the actual Riker Lynch" she laughs softly before taking a seat across from me.

"Yeah well here I am" I said running my fingers through my hair. So far I hoped it was this girl who would carry my child since I was getting along with her the most. "So what are your names?" I ask trying to lighten up the room from all the stress.

"My name is Janice and this is my partner Clara" Janice says with a sweet smile as I see her go out to hold the hand of the reed haired girl who goes by Clara.

I smile at this for a while "Well I was told to ask which one will be the carrier of what will become our child" I said feeling my palms get sweaty. This really was a scary thing since these were complete strangers who I was planning to raise my child.

The red haired girl, Clara, raises her hand "I will since my lovely partner Janice here isn't able to have children" she says in a calm and neutral tone.

I nod my head slightly "Okay well that sounds good to me" I said slowly hoping that the kid doesn't get the red hair and will remind me of Ellington every time I see them.

"So I have a question that has been bothering ever since I got the offer of your donation" Janice says "Why are you doing this when you are a very good looking man?"

I felt my body tense just a little at her words "Well um there is something going on in my life that I just can't escape. But I really do want to have a kid but I just haven't found the right time so I thought this could be my only chance to ever have a child" I said hoping I wasn't giving too much information.

Clara smiles "Well you know our part but honestly I believe that you will find the right girl to spend the rest of your life. But we are very thankful that you can give us a child and that you have a chance to be a father"

I nod my head "Thanks a lot. But I hope that maybe when the kid is older and if I am still doing all these tours that if its okay if they join me on them" I said with a shrug.

Janice smiles "Yeah I mean you are going to be the father so might as well live like him" She chuckles.

There was a knock at the door "Riker Lynch are you ready to give your donation?" the man asks.

I nod my head and was sent to a room where I was left alone with a couple of magazines, videos and just about anything to get a person ready.

*************end of flashback*************

Jasmine P.O.V

I stare at Riker as he drinks another glass of scotch "That of course was a while ago and since technology is at its highest the results show that Clara is pregnant" he says with a sigh.

Ross raises an eyebrow "You did this to have a child, you are fulfilling your dreams ad the dreams of another couple. So I feel like what you are doing is amazing" he says before taking one last swig of scotch.

I smile at Riker "Yeah its amazing and by the time your kid is born mine will at least be close to a ear, so the days you have them, I can help you out. I can teach you everything I know" I said with a smile. I could at least help out in the smallest way possible.

Riker smiles wide and nods "Sounds good to me, sounds perfect actually" he says as he goes to reach out to hold my hand, his large hand holding mine "I really need the help, the advice, just everything to help me with this future kid. I am going to be a dad" he says with a huge smile.

I smile at Ross who nods "Yeah and its going to be the best thing that has ever happen to you cause now you have this little human that is a mixture of you and another person" he smiles wide.

Riker looks at us both and nods "Well I'm glad I can talk to you guys about all of this cause I really do need the help" he smiles.

"We are here for anything" I said with a smile.

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