Chapter 38

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Jasmine P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and see Jace practically almost out bed making me laugh. He is always kicking or moving when he is sleeping, he never slept still. I am just lucky he didn't kick me while he slept.

"Jace" I said softly as I shook him softly waking him up for school. I slowly myself got up from my bed and went to try to wake him up "Jace get up" I said this time louder.

He slowly opens his eyes and smiles when he sees me "Hey mother" he says with a yawn.

I smile as I see him and think how much my life would suck without Jace. Even if he didn't have my blood running through his veins he was my baby boy, he was my son. "Time to get ready for school" I said to him.

He grabbed the pillow and covered his face "I don't want to go. I want to stay home and wait for dad's phone call" He said with a groan.

I chuckle at his reaction "Jace your father will call you after school, don't worry. He will call you and you will get a chance to talk to him" I said as I went to grab his pillow "Now its time for you to go get ready for school"

He gave me a wide smile "Fine" He says as he gets up from the bed and goes to his bathroom.

I make the bed and then go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I then look at the mirror and lift up my shirt to see my he belly. The in is stretch and there are marks to prove it, I felt disgusted with myself. I sighed at my reflection.

I look at the scale in the corner of the bathroom and go on it to see how much I weighed. Once I saw the number I felt shocked with myself. I started to look at every part of me in the mirror with my arms, legs, back just about everywhere. Those articles were right, I was not going to be the same Jasmine I was when Ross met me, I was going to be disgusting.

I wanted to cry as I watched myself because it seems as if my body was already giving up. Im only in my twenties, practically still a baby having her own babies. But these are my children, children I should love and adore. No matter what happens I should love them.

I stare into the mirror and force a smile "You are going to be happy with this new body, your body now tells a story about having these amazing children. You are going to be the same Jasmine but with new things to tell and a new life" I told myself and sighed.

I look at my belly and smile then I felt a soft kick "I hope you like my little speech" I said before going into the room straight to the closet and grabbed a pink dress with a pair of sandals. With one last look in the mirror I went downstairs ready to make Jace breakfast.

First things firsts I had to put bread in the toaster and then grabbed his lunchbox so I could make him lunch. I made him a ham and cheese sandwich along with a fruit snack then a juice box. Now for breakfast I grab a bagel from the pantry spreading cream cheese over it, I made two, one for me and the other for him.

"Mom?" I hear him say and I turn around to see him standing there in his uniform. Me and Ross were sending him to a private school for now since apparently we were the raving topic and a public school doesn't sound ideal right now.

I smile at him "Yes Jace" I said as I walk up to him holding on the counter for support since its becoming hard to walk with every week. Yeah this pregnancy is a tough one but I blame Ross for giving me four children in one go.

"I was wondering if maybe I could skip school today cause I don't want to leave you alone" He says with a small smile as he looks at me with his big green eyes.

"Why do you want to skip?" I ask softly, usually Jace was so interested into school. He enjoyed being around the other kids and he was extremely smart.

He shrugged his shoulders "Like I said I don't want to leave you alone" he said as his arms wrap, or try to wrap, around me but just barely cover my baby belly.

I chuckle at his try "No Jace you cant skip, your dad would want you in school so you are going, no fighting it" I said as I hand him  his bagel "You will have to eat this on the ride cause if we don't leave now you will be late"

"Okay, where is my lunch?" he asks as he takes a bite of his bagel.

"On the counter" I said as I grab the car keys before going out the door and head to the car. Once inside I wait for Jace to run out and get in.

"Okay lets go" he says as he jumps in the car with a smile. He sits there in the backseat reading a book, like always.

I start to drive off from the house "What's this book about?" I ask interested in the book that he was holding. I ask him this question every time he carries a new book but this time he was reading an actual book that wasn't based on math or science.

"um a boy that is going through hardships in his life" He said as he went back into reading the book.

I took the guess and started to drive in silence then I hear one of Ross' songs play on the radio "Hey look who is on the radio?" I ask Jace with a smile.

He looks up and smiles "Its dad with uncles and aunt Rydel" he shouts as he begins to sing along with the song. Jace fell in love with the family and everyone fell in love with him.

I laugh at this "oh my boy you are just like your father" I said as I drove closer to the school and parked "We're here" I said as I turn around to look at him.

He sighs as he gets off "See you later mom" he says before running into the building.

I smile as I drive off knowing Jace was in good hands.

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