Chapter 45

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aJasmine P.O.V

They are finally here! My four children are here with me on this earth. Four little angels that finally join our family after all the pain and suffering we had to go through. I was glad to finally have them, but there was the downside of me not giving them a natural birth. But I got a c section tat saved both the babies and me.

I was holding Jennifer in my arms as I was feeding her and all I could do was smile as I see her right next to me "Hi sweetie I'm your mother" I felt tears drip from my eyes as I see her head detach from me and she looks up as if she was listening to my words making me smile "Oh baby girl it feels so nice to finally see you after so long" I placed a kiss to her forehead.

I look at Ross who was sleeping on the couch holding a pillow close to himself and Jace went with his grandparents to stay there until I get out of the hospital. With the c section I have to stay a little longer. Well at least I know that Rydel and Ellington will be here any second to see the kids.

There was a knock and in I see blonde and then ginger hair "Hey guys" I said with a smile as Rydel gasps as she sees me holding Jennifer. I smile at her reaction and Ellington stood there with a giant smile.

Rydel comes to me and hugs me tight "Congrats honey" she looks at Jennifer and her finger gently caress her cheek "Hi sweetie, I'm your aunt and I will love you, cherish you and help you out with boys when mama isn't around"

I chuckle at her "There are a few more over there" I said "Most of them are awake by now and Ross just went to bed. This is the first time he has actually slept since they were born" I chuckle as I see him move around.

Ellington hands me a gift bag "I bought this for the kids cause I will be spoiling them more then what Riker says he will"  he chuckles and then smiles at Jennifer.

I smile at him "Thank you so much Ellington" I said as I open the bag and see a bunch of clothes for the kids "Oh my gosh this is a lot of clothes for them" I said softly to give Ross a chance to sleep.

He only smiles at me "I bought them all a matching onesie and then the rest is just normal clothing" he squeezes my shoulder and looks at Rydel "Babe what are you doing?" he asks.

Rydel looks at me "What are their names?" she says as she hovers above their cribs as I could tell who she was looking at.

"They all have numbers on their cribs in the order they were born in so 1 is Jade 2 is Jackie 3 is Jennifer and 4 is Jaegar who Jace wants to call Toby" I smile as I remember that moment.

"I see you have all the names with J's, just like the lynchs with R's" Ellington smiles as he stands there with his hands tucked in deep in his pants.

"Hey can you hold Jennifer?" I asked him "I want to help Rydel" I handed the small girl in his arms and he stares at her.

His eyes got wide and he looked scared at holding her "I feel like I'm going to break her" he sighs and holds her tight "I am scared of a small human" he chuckles softly.

I get up from the bed and walk to Rydel "So which one do you want to hold?" I put my hands on my hips and look at al my children, all so different and unique but look almost the same. Some had blonde hair or brown hair some had blue eyes or brown.

Rydel looks at them and smiles "I want to hold them all but just hand me one that I know won't cry" she say as she takes a seat on the rocking chair that was put in the room.

I nod my head and hand her Jackie "When Ross saw her he said that she is like a mini Rydel, and plus she doesn't cry much, just when she is hungry. Rydel meet Jackie and Jackie meet Aunt Rydel" I said as I grab my phone and take a picture of Rydel with Jackie.

A small cry came from a child and I turn to see little Jaegar crying softly. I pick him up and press him close to me "Why is my little baby boy crying?" I rock him and take a seat on the bed as I lay him there as well to check his diaper "Well I see you have some duty to clean up" I said.

I get up from the bed heading to his cart and grab a diaper to put on him. It was one quick change and he was a calm little baby "This is my little good baby boy" I said as I hold him close and he smiles at me.

He had very small blonde hairs on his head and his eyes were a very pale blue color. He looked so different then his sisters but then again he was the runt, he got less then what the others got. He was smaller, he had pale features while his sisters had a mixture of things.

Jace fell in love with all of his siblings but he got attached to Jaegar and I think it is because of they are both boys. And they both look almost alike, from the blonde hair, the colorful eyes, and just there was so many similar things that they could've been twins.

"So where is Jace?" Ellington asked as he looked around the room and looks at me with a confused face.

"He is staying with my mom and dad while me and Ross stay here. He wants to spend as much time with his grandmother as possible and get to know his grandfather because of the small time they have" I said as I start to think that the little ones won't be able to meet my mother.

She probably will be one by the time they are four months or sooner and it hurts to know that once a life starts one can end. Just thinking that  very important person leaving you to live life is a terrifying thing because its like spending my whole life with them and living without them is a nightmare. No one there to hold your hands, no one there to teach you the basics of babies, no mother. oh no.

"Is there something wrong?" Rydel asked as I see her face fill with sadness.

I bite my bottom lip and sigh "My mother told me she has cancer and has a few months to live" I said out loud and I didn't want to trust the words that cam out of my mouth. I wanted to know that the words I was speaking were lies, that it was just a joke.

They both look at me and I could just hear all of their sorries fill the room "Oh honey you have us here through it all. You have our father still and you have all of us to help you" Rydel said as she gets up from the chair to sit on the bed and grip my hand "You have the babies"

I look at my children and smile "I am just scared of losing her" I cried as I held onto Jaeger.

"We don't know how you must feel but we want to know that call us any time of the day, come to our house, you have our shoulders to cry on. Jasmine this is all happening but this is not stopping you from anything, you have love. And from a wise man love can mend a soul" Ellington said as he squeezed my shoulder.

I looked at them and smile "Honestly what would I have without you guys in my life?" I asked.

They both smiled "We love you" they both said making me feel ten times better. I guess hospitals are filled with happy memories.

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