Chapter 59

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Ross P.O.V

I woke up with Jasmine by my side and I quickly press a kiss to her cheek, last night I brought us to a hotel since Rydel and Riker were getting the house ready for tonight and my parents were taking care of the kids back at their house. This is just our small little getaway.

She softly giggles as I shower her with kisses "Ross, babe" she giggles in her soft little voice.

I continue to do so and all I could do was smile because she was making me so happy jus by having her smile "I love you so much" I said to her with a smile wanting to say so many words to her but can only find those three.

She smiles back at me and hums "I love you too" she whispers back to me. Her smile just completed me more then anything in the world.

I got out of the bed and picked up the phone to call room service "So we will have breakfast then go out for a boat ride then go to a walk to the park then go back home" I said to her reminding myself that I have to give her that necklace I got.

She looks at me and nods her head "Sounds like a perfect way to spend my one year of being married to you" Jasmine says she jumps from the bed to hug me tight. Her arms around me and my hands on her waist.

I was loving this moment more then anything in the world "Everyday is perfect when you're in it, you and the kids. All of you make me so happy, you have all become the world to me that I cant imagine it without you" I said smiling wide placing a kiss to her forehead.

Jasmine blushes slightly and giggles "You make me feel like we're in a high school relationship again" she says as she grabs my hand and we walk to the bathroom "I really do love everything about being with you" she says as her eyes look up at me.

I caress her cheek and smile "I have the world's perfect wife" I said with a chuckle as I pick her up to sit on the counter as I go to brush my teeth and she does the same. "Don't you ever think about how our lives would be when we' re like ninety years old" I ask as I take a look at her.

The shine in her eyes remind me of the shine in our kids eyes, her soft features remind me of all of them, the way she smiles reminds me of Jace, I see her in everything cause there is always things there that make her up. She is the queen and I was falling for her everyday.

"Well  I would like to think that we will be living in this cute family home with our rocking chairs out on the porch holding hands everyday as we look at the sky. I also would like it to be in Mexico cause the views there are gorgeous" she smiles wide.

I nod my head "Of course babe, also I was thinking when the kids get a little older we should take them there, to let them get to know your side of them. Our beautiful mix kids" I said with a smile knowing how happy it makes her to embrace her culture.

"I would love that" she says with a smile as she gives me a kiss.

We finished getting ready for the day and had our giant breakfast filled with waffles, eggs and coffee. So with all of that out of the way we get into the car to go to the boat I rented for the day for our boat trip.

It was so beautiful out like it was for our anniversary. Jasmine kept pointing at every little thing out in the water and I loved seeing her that way. Every little thing she does is so adorable and it makes her into who she is now. Every little quirk, every flaw, every mistake or every beautiful choice is her.

With her around I feel like I'm at the top of the world, she brings me back down to the earth when it gets too much. Everyone loves her and she can make people laugh and it just makes me smile whenever she is happy. Nothing can ever top how I feel for her, she is the only person I can ever love this way.

"Babe come here look at this view" she shouts as the wind blows in her hair making it look so perfect, she looks so perfect. Even when she puts on a face mask I know she is beautiful or when she is in her sweats eating oreos, I love her because that's Jasmine.

I love her for her and not the artificial types, not the girls that dress up everyday or put on make up every second, Jasmine was perfect because she was herself. Even when she complains about the stretch marks on her stomach and the scar from the c section I find those beautiful because it just shows how our children were brought into the world.

It all makes her so perfect.

Sitting there holding her hand as the wind is blowing in our faces, the sun shining in our faces, it was all too perfect for us. Holding her close to me, I just love it so much. This is already giving me a glimpse on our future on how we can possibly be together in the next eighty years or so.

We were on the water for a while until the afternoon trying to fish but we failed miserably so the boat was return then we went to the park that was close to the water. I remember coming to the park because of us always coming here when we were younger.

Running around playing tag or still coming here as teenagers hiding from my older siblings from the prank wars. Now we are coming back as a married couple with kids who will also come here to play on the swings, go down the slides, have fun.

"Babe remember when we came to hide here and we covered Rocky in feathers with glue" I chuckle as I remember those memories.

Jasmine laughs "I remember it clearly since that was our introduction to a whole new vocabulary" she giggles.

I felt my phone vibrate as I see a message from Riker saying that the house was close to being ready, they needed about an hour left to finish on where to put the necklace. I gave it to them since some people put rings in champagne bottles or hide it in the deserts but I wanted to give her this necklace.

We walked around the park "We should bring the kids here one day, be that typical family who has a bunch of kids that go to the park" I chuckle softly as I squeeze her hand then twirl her around.

"Ross! What the heck?" she giggles as I dance with her in the middle of the cherry blossom trees. My arms wrapped around her waist twirling her around and moving to nothing but our thoughts.

"I just want to dance with my wife" I said with a smile as I intertwined our fingers together and I moved around with her "Is that bad?" I asked with a smile before pulling her in close.

She stares at me with a great big smile on her face "No I just want to make sure that you become a handsome husband" Jasmine says with a smile as she grabs a flower from the trees and places one behind my ear "There we go" she smiles wide.

With that smile I just fell even more in love with her, there was so much in her that made me feel this way about her. Yet anything I could give was never enough for her, even the moon wasn't worthy for her, nothing was cause she was priceless.

I smile back at her and did the same thing of placing a flower behind her ear "You look more beautiful then anything in this world right now" I said to her losing myself in her eyes. Soft brown colors that just shine with our youth, the same youth she has kept all these years.

We connected our lips keeping ourselves close to each others not wanting to let go. I knew that I would never let her go because she was everything to me, more then anything. She was so precious to me that I could never love someone else like I love her.

"I think we should be making our way home now, there is still more in store for this perfect day" I said to her as we held our hands. Right away I look at our wedding rings that symbolize what we did together. We got married a year ago and our love already felt endless.

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