Chapter 13

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Ross P.O.V

I ran into the hospital and went into the nurse's office feeling my heart as if it were about to break out of my chest. "I need to see Jasmine Lynch" I said feeling my nerves go crazy. I wanted to cry, I wanted to punch the walls, tear everything down to pieces. All that runs through my mind is what if it was because of me that she is here.

"Ross" I hear a voice say my name and I turn to see Rydel stand there with red bloodshot eyes.

I went to her and hugged her tight "Is she okay? Is she stable? Where is she?" I asked as I looked at her hoping to get answers. I needed to get this unexplained questions answered because I felt like I was drowning in a sea of questions.

She sniffles and sighs "Doctors wont tell me anything and they wont let us go see her. All they have told us is that she's weak" She says almost choking on her words.

I leaned against on the wall and felt tears rise to my eyes. My wife is in a hospital bed fighting for her life and I have no idea why she is here or how she is doing. "Do you even know why she's here?" I asked through tears.

Rydel just shook her head "No I just found her on the bathroom floor passed out. I tried to wake her up but just from one look of her I could tell something wasn't right" She said as more tears fell from her eyes.

I felt like I was choking on words that wouldn't come out "Were there any ...cuts on her body?" I asked hoping to hear a no. I didn't want to know that she was in that much pain to do this to herself.

"No god no. She was just so pale, so cold it was as if she was dying" Rydel said almost sounding as if in whisper. I took one look at her and saw that she was trembling and I go hug her.

"I want to thank you for finding her and helping her" I said to her placing a soft quick kiss on her head. I felt her trembling against my chest, feeling her tears hit my jacket so all I could do was tighten my grip on her trying stabilize her.

"She's like a sister to me Ross....and you're her husband and I have no idea why you aren't crying" She said softly so only I could hear and a frown appeared on my face.

I looked down at her "I dont know either but I know that she will make it through this. I know Jasmine and I know that she is a fighter" I said and I hoped that every word I said would come true.

Jasmine was a fighter but she fought for the ones she cared about, for those in need, for what she believed in but I feel that she could fight for anyone but the last person to fight for was herself. She wanted others safe even if it meant risking herself. But I never wanted it to be like that, I needed her so to save her I would risk myself.

She's my wife, my love and my world. I cant imagine a world without her because she was the only one for me. Jasmine was the only woman who gave me loved, who made me feel good about being myself. She was everything I could ask for, she was my love, my best friend and my other half.

Knowing she's not okay, that she cries over me was like a bullet to the heart. I cant be the caused of her pain, I only ever wanted to be the cause of her joy and smiles. I wanted to spend every beautiful moment with her but right now she's probably laying on a hospital bed with her eyes closed.

"Guys how is she?" A voice said and I turn to look to see Rocky with Riker by his side. Finally I see Ratliff with Ryland come from behind. Rydel leaves my arms and goes to Ratliff wrapping around him.

I stare at them and feel my heart drop. Instead of going to say hi to them I go to the bathroom to hide myself from the world. When I walked in I was so happy to see that it was empty and stood in the mirror feeling tears spill out of me.

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