forty four- this is it, huh?

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walking the somewhat empty Chicago streets got me thinking; thinking pretty deep. was nobody seriously out for me? were they all just sitting at home, waiting for me to show up? what the fuck is up with that?

i wanted to stay out, not go back to the place i call home but unfortunately, it was my only option.

i lay my head low and drag my feet along with my body, finding a rhythm that was awkwardly soothing. i felt as if i were in a movie, an awfully long chic flic with some dark twist that makes you want to keep watching. but by now i was wondering- was ian even after me? i mean he had seen me and he had helped me out but where was he now? i for sure thought for some reason that maybe he would come after me and help me home after being kidnapped for a frickin day but... well actually, maybe Jamie got to him.

Nah, he's ian frickin Gallagher.

my thoughts were interrupted when i now found myself standing in the Gallagher yard, looking up to the house that seemed weirdly quiet. i slowly opened the door, trying my hardest to make sure it didn't make its usual creak. when i scanned the room to find no one home, i sighed and doordeld up the stairs, finding my room and covering myself in the thin sheets that were tossed up around my bed. the cool fabric hit my skin as i made sure to keep no part of my body uncovered, falling into a much-needed sleep.


"Orli?!" I felt the presence of someone in front of me but didn't dare open my eyes. i already knew it was one of my siblings and i just didn't have the energy to listen to them yell at me for getting kidnapped because honestly, that's something they would do to me because I'm so much 'smarter' and more 'responsible' than that.

"i know you're up, please i just wanna talk" i gave in, opening my eyes slowly to see the familiar redhead and brunette side by side, eyeing me down for my next move.

"what do you want?" i mumbled as i lay there.

"We just wanna know if you're okay i mean- you got fucking kidnapped." lip chuckled in an attempt to find a laugh or even a faint smile on my lips.

"i didn't really" i yawned, rubbing my eyes and slitting up slowly.

"Orli, the guy fucking dragged you into his van" lip spoke again

"whatever, yell at me all you want- did you even TRY to find me?" i changed the topic in the hope of an answer as to why no one was out for me.

"We figured you'd find your way out and plus, that guy was fucking stupid leaving out his number plate and an easy way out the back."

"what the fuck is wrong with you, BOTH of you! lip i can't believe what you just fucking said and ian, you literally didn't even come after me?! remember at the diner!" my voice grew stern.

"yeah um, i was a little busy fucking up the dude who was fucking up you! even after i was done i looked out on the streets to find you but you were long gone!" ian finally spoke up after letting lip do all the talking.

"i don't have time for this- fuck you" i spat before pushing past them, running down the stairs and out the house; only to sit on the steps and observe the people who drove and walked past.

i found my phone in my pocket without even knowing it was there, i seemed to have 100 missed calls from mickey and about 100 from all the Gallaghers combined.

i hesitated before dialling the number, i had a feeling i might regret what i was about to do but i knew that it had to be done.

"h-hello, fuck!" the heard mickey on the other line before the phone cut out completely. i sighed and let it droop in my hand, leaning against the wooden railing.

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now