forty one- meds

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"fucken' get up mick" i pulled mickey's hand in an attempt to wake him up- we were finally visiting ian because he had gotten out of the psych ward.

"piss off" he grumbled and turned to face the other side of the room.

"fine, come or don't. i just thought that you'd want to" i dramatically let go of his hand and walked out of the room, gathering my things. 

"o-ok fine" he yelled from his room and i grinned to myself, walking back over to lean against the doorframe and smirk at him. 

"That wasn't so hard was it" 

"come here" he mumbled as i practically jumped forwards onto the bed, resting my head on his upper chest while he lay back with the same look on his face.

"holy shit you're like... beautiful" i chucked at my realisation and it was true.-his frost eyes glowed although sunlight was nowhere to be seen and his hair fluffily bounced on his head with every movement that he made.

"fuck off" he looked away and giggled slightly.

"no, really" i ran my hand through his hair until it found its way to his neck where i rubbed my thumb in circular motions. he leant forwards to give me a small peck before shoving myself off him so he could get dressed. 


"Hey, HEY! there is nobody out there-" the voice of Lip was heard on the other side of the door where we stood knocking for several minutes, usually we wouldn't but for some reason, it was deadlocked. 

"yo!"  flinched backwards as a bat came in near contact with my face, gasping as i saw who held it.

"maybe i was wrong" he muttered sarcastically while i threw myself inside the house, looking around at everybody who was stunned. 

"ian... what the" i went to take the bat out of his hand and he didn't object. instead, standing there limply like he had no life left in him.

"get over here" lip dragged ian away to the living room while we stood behind the kitchen, trying to process what we just witnessed. 

"so.... what was that" mick gestured over to Ian where they looked back to him.

"he started running around the house with the bat and screaming something about MP's" fiona tried to put words together.

"yeah, he almost hit me with the bat to" Debbie added.

"This is cause he flushed his meds" i put the two together i mentally smacked myself, running over to the boys in the living room. 

"We gotta get him to a fucking clinic" i looked to lip before looking at Ian, who was coming down from his freak out.

"don't do it" frank groggily coughed from the couch.

"shut up frank" fiona spat.

"h-hey it's okay, you're alright. go get dressed" i ushered him to the stairs where he walked up lazily, signalling mickey to go up with him. he gave me 'why' look but ended up going with him.

"you alright?" i looked over to my two sisters.

"yeah-i'm fine. gonna go see a lawyer to try and get carl home as soon as possible" my face scrunched as fiona spoke, probably realising i had no idea what she was talking about.

"um.... what now?" 

"carl, heroin, juvie. you know" Debbie complied but i still stood there, another load of information dumped on me that i yet to find out about.

"fucking what?" i squealed, running upstairs.

"Why does no one ever tell me shit!" i yelled out to no one in general.

"because you're never home!" fiona matched my energy, causing me to roll my eyes. i spotted the two boys in Ian's room where they sat on the bed, talking.

"carl might be going to fucking juvie- why did i NOT KNOW THIS" i huffed as i looked to them, knowing this wasn't the right time. 

"right, nevermind sorry. clinic?" i crossed my arms, earning a nod from ian. 

"Right then, come on" i sarcastically cheered as the boys followed me out of the room.


"we'll start you on lithium" a nurse searched her cupboards for the medication while we idly wait, gazing around the hospital room. 

"Okay, how often he take it?" mickey snatched the box from her hand and glared at it before handing it to me.

"Twice a day, if it's not optimal we can try Divalproex or Tegretol" 

"try?" i questioned her.

"there's no magic when it comes to medication, one size doesn't fit all. takes a little experimentation." 

"Yeah well, he's not a lab rat" 

"we'll work to find the right drugs and dose. I'm giving you olanzapine for the paranoia" she handed Ian a box.

"It felt so real" he sighed.,

"that's the disease. we encourage you to make a list of people to call it you feel like you might hurt yourself" 

"like a suicide list?" mickey looked to us both.

"if the meds are supposed to work w-why would i need a suicide list" ian stuttered.

"you don't" i reassured him before talking to the nurse again

"he's got me"

"come back in a few days and we'll see how you're responding. ian.. you have any questions?"

"yeah um, how long do i need to take these for?" he stood up and walked over to her

"There is some evidence that in time the need for aggressive treatment diminishes"

"how much time?"

"Hard to say"


"uh... 30, 40 years" she sighed. ian looked back to us, trembling at the words the nurse has said. i walked over to him and gave the nurse a quick thank you before leaving with ian and mick on either side of me.

"40 years my ass" i spoke up while we were walking the streets.

"huh?" ian questioned

"you got this ian, you're the strongest person i know." i rubbed the back of his head which he chuckled to and wrapped my arm around mickeys upper back. 

life was strange right now, but we'll get through it- we always do. 

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now