twenty five- settling in

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gonna do like 1-2 filler chaps 

the scent of apple orchards and spring lilacs brimmed in the depths of my nostrils as i exited the busy airport. there were nicely dressed citizens, good food  and everyone here looked like a million bucks. i for sure knew i would not fit in at all seeing as i'm a ghetto girl but with the connections of some smart - yet stupid people in the neighbourhood, i think i'll be doing just fine. (if you don't know what i'm talking about i sold some pretty decent weed for around one years worth of money- if i'm lucky.) 

i hailed a cab pretty easily and was taken to dartmouth. the college was fucking huge and i felt like i was driving onto royal property. as soon as i stepped out of the cab i received dirty looks from the grad students, who all had their limos or daddy's car. 

"what ya lookin at!?" i stepped forward a little and they flinched at the unexpected response, but turned around and walked away once they saw me dragging my suitcase to the office.

i smirked and hauled myself over there, trying not to avoid any contact with anyone. i know i said i wanted to come here, but now i'm sort of starting to get second thoughts.

"hi, i need my dorm room keys and building please- oh and my schedule" i tried pulling myself together as the lady gave me a dirty look, turning around like she was looking for something.

"name?" she blankly asked like she had done this enough times today

"Gallagher, Orli" she rose her eyebrow at me.

"i know, my parents were on PCP when they named me" i chuckled, receiving and even worse look from her and everyone around me. 

"uh- so.. here's your keys and for your schedule it'll be on your laptop if you have any problems we'll give you a paper copy" she spoke amusedly.

"laptop? i- don't exactly have one..." i smiled weirdly.

"you can take use a loan" 

"how much?" i knew i had some money but i had to be careful on how i spent it- i knew people at college used a laptop but i thought it was optional. 


"i- i don't have that type of money on me..." i looked to the ground feeling all sorts of embarrassed. of course i had that money, i just had better ideas for it's worth.  

"look you can take a loan or you can get out of here and other people are waiting kid, what will it be?" she became agitated as i was now holding up a line. 

"fine fuck, i'll come back later" i muttered and turned around, looking at all sorts of kids in the line. one boy did catch my attention though- he strangely looked alot like mickey but i shook it off, strolling away to find my room. 


after what felt like hours of searching i found my room, it ended up being on the other side of campus. my dormie was a girl called elsie and she was actually from chicago but northside, i mean what'd you expect. she was okay... bit of a stuck up ungrateful bitch though but i wouldn't say that to her face. 

she told me about a newbies party tonight and everyone was going. it was just being held in the halls of our buildings. i was quite excited actually because the only actual parties i'd ever been to were the ones my brothers dragged me to and we ended up leaving after 15 minutes because i felt 'uncomfortable'. man how the times have changed...

"hey, i saw you before in the office" an unfamiliar voice startled me as i roamed the somewhat lonely halls.

"oh- um hey" i rubbed my neck as i came in contact with the boy from before- the boy that looked like mickey. 

"you a newcomer?" 

"yeah, you?" i had only just realised how much younger i looked than everyone, even though i was only around three years younger everyone seemed to be more grown up- mature. 

"no, second year although people say i look rather young" he chucked at his comment

"interesting... how old are you exactly? 

"20..." he trailed 

"cool cool" my attention had been focused in other places- i was looking at the girls i front of my dorm room

"uh are you with me?" the boys fingers clicked in my face as he laughed

"sor-sorry.. what's your name again?" i looked him in the eyes directly this time.

"jamie, jamie milkovich" 

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now