twenty eight- come home

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mick and i took ian to his house last night i stayed over, just to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. i found myself sleeping on the floor and ian was on the other side of the room, completely out of it. 

"u-uh morning" i snapped my head to find mickey's wife staring down at he, showing off her belly. 

"it is afternoon, you and carrot boy sleep all day" i nodded my head and took that as my signal to get up. 

i hadn't had a shower since yesterday when i came back from college- gross. well i thought it would peaceful, but never here is ever so of course i got threatened by a russian hand whore with a hammer.

"i have baby soon, i cannot work" she opened the shower curtain abruptly.

"jeez" i flinched as she inched the hammer closer to my face

"he must take of me and baby. you and carrot top go" 

"we do not need you" her voice got a little softer

"you sleep here in this house tonight, i kill you. i bash both oranger heads"

"pominayet?" she yelled as the metal started pushing into me skin

"yea-yeah" i had no clue what she said but i think i got the idea. she looked me up and down with a smirk and left, eyeing me all the way to the door.


"are you sure you want to do this?" ian and i stood at the front gate of our house, i'd already come home but now it was his turn.

"yeah" he replied bluntly. i turned him around so he was facing me. 

"why didn't you tell me you were back?" i put my hands on his shoulders.

"why didn't you tell me?" 

"because i was looking for you, idiot" he smiled and he gave me a weak one back, now slowly walking into the place we call home. 

"what?!! no" fiona's eyes adjusted as she looked up from the table. she ran over to us and engulfed us into a long, needed hug. 

"oh my god is this for real- you're really back?" she detached herself to look at us.  

"for real, for now" i chuckled nervously.

"my god you bastards! i missed you so much"

"you pieces of shit you had me so worried!" she hit us playfully.

"not one call?" 

"i texted" ian defended

"i was here yesterday" i shrugged.

"real detailed- miss you guys, having fun" she argued.

"i didn't want you to worry!" ian's voice became high pitched.

"i worried more asshole where the hell were you- and you" she pointed to me


"yeah i went" i looked to the floor

"with what money?" 

"i had some help fi, don't worry about it" i got a bit agitated and she sensed that, but didn't back down. 

"well are you going back- you have to?!!" 

"i'm not okay? i'm not going back" i gave up, throwing my arms in the air.

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now