thirty six- suitcase mania?

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"what's that?" i stumbled into the living room where mick eyed down a suitcase.

"they found my suitcase" he pointed while signing a form.

"suitcase?" I rubbed my eyes

"from my trip" 

"trip?" I questioned while mick rose his eyebrows, finally getting the situation. 

"uh right...forgot" i fake smiled.

"I'm sorry are you still like waiting around for like for a fucking tip or something? because I'm pretty sure you guys lost the baggage, right?" mickey sassed to the guy behind us. 

"that means go, goodbye. thank you holy fuck" the guy slowly left. 

"nice suitcase Mr.... Shang?" I read out the tag as we unloaded the stuff. 

"somebody rings the doorbell, tells me he's with an airline and hands somebody's shit.... ass clown"

"switch the last two numbers in the address and you know he'll be back for it you know?" 

"well he's gonna be shit out of luck won't he?" mick held a t-shirt up to his body

"think this'll fit? kind of sexy" i rolled my arms as he clicked his tongue.

"case, shirt, socks.... lisinopril?" I rattled a small tube I found in some boots. 

"should i google? see what it does?" 

"you should give me some and I'll let you know" Ian smirked as he appeared from nowhere- who knows how long he had been standing there. 

"when'd you get up?" I questioned as he came over to take the bottle from my hand. 

"I'm gonna wash this down with a beer... want one?" 

"fuck it" mick threw Mr Shang's belongings on the floor beside, still raiding the man's suitcase. 


"ye-yeah, yeah sure" 


yesterday felt like a blur- that lisinopril really did something to us because we were all out of it by the time morning came. 

"what the fuck" mick's morning voice echoed as we heard rattling nearby

"morning" Ian's voice sung as I slowly began to wake up. 

"what are you wearing" i rubbed my eyes and sat up from the bed. 

"oh you mean this- just something i threw on" he was dressed up in a fancy suit, smirk plastered across his face. 

"what the fuck is it this time" mick muttered as he sat up. i quickly got up and threw on a shirt, mick following as we went to see what Ian was up to. 

"what the fuck?" we walked into the living room which was filled with suitcases left, right and centre. 

"Okay- so your suitcase gave me an idea, right?" Ian bent over to screw-drive suitcases open.

"so i went to the airport and they even have unclaimed baggage off to the side just sitting there" he strained as he got it open. 

"are you wearing mink?" mick questioned Lana as she appeared. 

"no. it's fake but nice yes?" she smiled as she opened baby food. 

"no, it's not nice. look i hate to burst your bubble here but you both look fucking insane...this all you got?" 

"We have electric shavers, Jamaican rum.... and this" Ian snickered as he pulled out a ten-inch dildo from the bag. 

"oh... that has a hair on it?" mick's face dropped and i started laughing uncontrollably.

"what? you don't want it?" he pretended to look sad

"Hey I'll have it, bigger than mick's" i smirked and Ian threw it over to me. 

"no i- if you touch me with that I'll knock the fucking teeth out of your head" i started walking towards mickey, him backing away as i was doing so. 


"EN GARDE!" i yelled as we ran in circles around the pillar. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" he screamed as i pretended to fence, i was laughing uncontrollably while Ian and Svet were giggling.

"EN GARDE, POW" i tried catching up to him but i wasn't going to touch him with it, that was just too cruel. 

"that is not funny- IT'S NOT FUCKING STAR WARS" we stopped on opposite sides, deciding our next moves.

i finally gave in and threw the dildo across, hitting mickey in the face. i gripped my stomach because of the laughter and all of us were now struggling to breathe because of what was taken over us.  


night fell and we were usually off doing our own things during the day- i would usually go to the Gallagher house and check up on everyone, while mick was out doing god knows what, trying to round up some money i hope. 

"yo," i yelled down the street as i saw mick approach from the opposite side. 

"what the fuck is this?" he threw his hands up in the air as we got closer, seeing suitcases now stacked in front of the house. 

"more suitcases. we got dresses, shirts, shoes, sweaters- pretty much everything!" Ian folded the clothes that he stole. 

"wait you went back to the airport?" i cut him off. 

"yeah? why not?" he looked over to us. 

"cause it's fucking risky is why not" mick finished my sentence for me

"most of this ain't worth shit anyway, old clothes and hairdryers" i agreed. 

"hairdryers yeah, we got toiletries over here okay?" Ian gestured to one side of the porch. 

"Are you even listening? there are better ways to make money- what are you doing?" i walked up the stairs to get a better look.

"Why are you putting everything on the fucking porch?" mick ran after him as he muttered to himself. 

"Why are there bots in the sneakers pile" Ian talked to himself as he fixed the shoes.

"We got to keep this organized okay?" he frantically looked around the room as i slowly walked in, taking in everything before my eyes. 

suitcases had now completely taken over the living room- barely any walking space. i looked over to Svetlana and she looked amused, mick and looked like we had seen a ghost. 

"where are the belts- i thought i put them there.... obviously they've been moved!" he yelled as he ran away into the kitchen.

"your brother is losing his shit" she sipped her coffee as she leant back on god knows what. 

"Orli, Mick, help me keep this organized okay?!" he called from the kitchen. i felt the tears in my eyes fall as i looked around, unable to say a word or even take in what was happening right now.

 i turned around to look at mickey and it was safe to say, it looked like he wanted to kill Ian.......

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