sixteen- why'd you come back

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i decided it was finally time to take my mind of mickey- he wouldn't kiss me or have sex with me. why? i guess i'll never know. although as much as i wanted to go off at him.. his stupid smile or heaven sent face would ruin any chance i had at standing up for myself. whenever he would laugh or genuinely smile, all my previous thoughts would disappear and all i could focus on was the sight in front of me.

now- i'm still a virgin. but it's time i change that.. my brothers did it at a very young age and debbie was talking about doing it. i couldn't let my little sister beat me to it, that's embarrassing.

i was also tired of being the golden goose of the family. of course i told myself i would never get sucked in to the things they do.. but something changed that, or someone.

i wanted to try drugs for the first time. the hardcore ones, not the shitty weed my brothers poorly stashed in the bedroom draws. i'll try that out another time, but- for now, now i was currently waiting under the bleachers for a dealer in an ROTC uniform. ian probably knew him.

"Orli?" the guy appeared from a distance, making his way over to me. he handed me the pouch but took his hand away, as if he was having second thoughts.

"i'd love to give you this, but i'm gonna need a little something in return" he tugged at the hem of my shirt and i immediately caught on. i figured this could be my time- someone who actually wanted to have sex with me was standing right there.

without any thought the boys gentle lips found their way to mine. this was my first kiss. i felt a tingling sensation take over my body and i opened my mouth, letting his tongue find mine.

"hey! what's goin' on down there" it can't be...

"mickey?" i quickly detached myself from the boy in front of me, he gave me a confused look but when he heard mickey's voice he dropped the plastic pouch and froze.

"lookie what we got here" he swung from the metal poles above our heads.

"thought you we're still in juvie?" the boy shyly spoke up

"not anymore" he kicked him where it hurt most

"you havin' some sorta moment under here?" he continued to kick the boy who was now on the floor- i just stood there and laughed no really wanting to do anything about it.

"no no i swear" he tried reasoning but it ended up with. him getting kicked harder

"why you still beating me up was doin' it too"

"your the one holding the coke, your the one i gotta beat" he reasoned

" it workin'?" he leant down to level with him while holding his collar

"yes yes!" he choked out

"good. get the hell out of here" and with that the boy bolted the hell out of there. i was going to confront him but i thought better just leave it. he seemed a little pissed at the moment.

mick and i sat down and he offered me a joint, which i actually accepted since it was my whole plan. to stop being a goodie two shoes.

"bout time" he laughed as i flipped him off.

"missed you" he lit his up

"you did?" i took the rolled paper out of my mouth, staring at him like a grade school crush.

"yeah man. well i had to do all the fucking in juvie" he snorted

"not like we were fucking" i mumbled looking to the floor. he didn't hear me- at least i think he didn't.

"umm.. thought you had four more months?"

"they let me out for overcrowding or some shit" he shook his head

"coming back to school?" way to sound desperate

"hell no. i'd still be a fucking freshman, haven't passed a single class" he chuckled

"why'd you come back then"

"fronted a bunch of coke before i went in- time to collect" he looked to the floor.

"oh mick" i sighed, hitting his shoulder.


right now i was drilling a lock to the boys' room. they offered me some money if i said i'd do it and i was pretty bored so figured, why not? it was also to keep frank out which was another reason why i'd definitely do it.

"what are you doing?" i heard mandy's soft voice as she randomly appeared next to me.

"keepin' frank out" i stopped to look at her before drilling again

"planning on going to carnegie mellon?" i questioned once i saw the books and papers in her arms

"please- it's for nerds and homos" she hit the side of my body as we started to laugh

"but healy thinks lip should apply"

"oh that's a fat chance " i sarcastically laughed

"he's smart enough.."

"too stupid to do anything about it" i fumbled with the lock that wouldn't budge.

"i already tried" she started to walk away

"hey can i ask you a question?" she turned back around and smiled

"how do you know if a guy that you've been hanging with likes you?" i said as she walked over

"you like him?" she smirked and leant on the wall

"uh uh. but.. i think he hates me" i sighed

"ask him" she playfully hit me

"well he doesn't wanna talk about it"

"no guy ever does" she taunted

"how do i know then?"

"does he get that look in his eye when he's with you?"

"what look" i replied, feeling frazzled

"you'll know it when you see it"

stealing her purityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें