thirty five- don't leave

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"Ian- NO IAN IT'S NOT YOUR STUFF TO DUMP" i tried to snatch the Milkovich's items out of his hands- which he was currently throwing out the second-story window. 

"hey?!" i heard mick's voice from outside.

"This is my shit man?" Ian ran down and pushed aside items from the doorway.

"Finally you're back!" i yelled as he walked through the door. 

"The fuck you doing?" he adjusted some items he held in his hands. 

"what's it look like?" Ian smirked. 

"it looks like you're throwing out all my shit" 

"Yeah. when's the last time you cleaned?" 

"i found a bunch of dead roaches in that light fixture and a rat turd the size of raisinettes- cleaned the bathroom too." Ian walked over

"Jesus christ Ian" mick muttered 

"you got a  problem with me cleaning the layer of scum from the tub that your wife washed your child in?" 

"huh?" we both questioned as he spoke some Russian sentence 

"Svetlana's been teaching me a little bit" 

"great yeah maybe she can get a job as a fucking professor" mick started walking to the kitchen 

"rub n tug got closed for good so we need the dough" 

"wait where are the girls?" i followed 

"jail. how the hell should i know?" 

"shouldn't you be bailing them out?" 

"why? joint's closed" 

"well what the hell are we going to do for money mickey?" i crossed my arms.

"don't know- I'd sell Svetlana's ass if she wasn't already renting out her guest room." she leant against the wall

"you mean guest womb" Ian joked and smirked like a child

"mmhm?" i looked towards him, confused.

"FORGET IT" mandy appeared, falling onto the couch 

"babe?" Kenyatta questioned

"I'm not moving to Indiana!" 

"it's a good job" he tried to reason. 

"cleaning porta-potties?" 

"it's a job- we're going" he looked up at us before leaving

"looks clean" she spoke up. 

"yeah may Poppin's here is on a warpath" mick sat and gestured to Ian who was leaning on the table, staring off into space.

"that shithead better not drag you to fucksville USA" i sat down.

"there's nothing for me here" 

"you're not actually gonna go, are you?" Ian walked over to her.

"he'll kill you mandy"

"he doesn't do that anymore" she stood from the couch

"until he does- no, listen to me"

"We have better options-"

"i have to pack" mandy ignored him and ran off back to her room

"We got to stop her" i spoke to the two. 

"hey you go get the gun and I'll get the saw. we can bury that piece of shit in pieces down by the river" mick shook his head

"no, i can stop her" Ian quietly said before running our the house, god knows where. 


yesterday i found out Ian talked lip into getting mandy to stay, but I'm guessing it didn't work since she was standing at the front door with suitcases her lined up... 

"mandy?" i rubbed my eyes and pushed the hair out of my face, trying to see what she was doing.

"Or-Orli go back to sleep" she tried pushing me back but i grabbed her arms and she eventually gave in. 

"Why are you leaving?" my voice cracked, seeing Kenyatta eye me down from the front door. 

"i- i have to. bye" she gave me a forced hug and ran off but i stopped her, grabbing her arms once again.

"d-don't leave me" i broke out into small sobs, my force on her arms tightening. 

"there's nothing here for me anymore" she looked to the ground. 

"yo wrap this shit up- we gotta go." Kenyatta's voice interrupted our talking. 

"look i- i really got to go" she brought me into a long hug this time, my tears staining the back of her top. 

"Promise me you'll visit?" 

"i can't- i can't promise anything" she looked back to her boyfriend, who's face remained still. i gave her a small nod and she turned around, shutting the door quietly behind her. i slowly walked back into mick's room, getting back into bed and trying not to wake him. 

"Orli?" he mumbled, stirring in his position.

"y-yeah?" i choked a little, frozen halfway into the bed.

"Whatcha doing up this early?" he rubbed his eyes, turning over so he was now on his back, resting his hands behind his head. 

"man-mandy. she left" i sat on the bed, pushing my face into my palms. mick noticed and started rubbing my hair- somehow he didn't seem fazed at all.

"Why are you not saying anything?" i looked up at him.

"it was bound to happen sooner or later" he sighed, patting the empty spot in bed beside him. i lunged forwards and laid on my stomach, face pushing into the pillow as i let a soft cry take over me. mickey started rubbing my upper back and whispered 'it will be okay' into my ears.

i turned my face to him and he pulled me in- placing a soft kiss on my lips. it was slow and sweet- something I'd never  thought our kisses would ever feel like. 

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now