six- kiss me and i'll cut your fucking tongue out

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Linda found out about what mickey stole and she had our asses, but it was okay but we got to shoot a cardboard dummy!! well now, we go back to work..

ian and i walked in with some meat to show Kash... oh i forgot to mention. we totally robbed this guys truck and we got weeks worth of food for it. it was great.

"hey, look what fell off the back of a truck" ian exclaimed happily. that was until he noticed his bung eye.

"mickey, again?!" i yelled.

"didn't detach my retina this time, linda's gonna shit a brick" Kash started walking away but Ian caught up to him and i stood in front of Kash. 

"let me see" ian inspected his bruises

"i can run out and replace whatever he took before she gets here?" i questioned.

"no you can't, it's gonna take three days for a background check" he walked away again

"he took the gun- how?" i stood in front of him again.

"i pulled it on him" he states calmly

"even released the safety but what was i supposed to do, shoot him over a cup of soup?" he started getting frantic while stocking shelves. 

"wish he'd burn the store down, never wanted it to begin with"

ian and i exchanged looks as we heard a few people come into the store. 

"where's the charcoal?"

"above the veggies" i motioned to the veggies.

"barbecue sauce?" another man replied and i pointed the same direction i pointed to before.

"oo looks like our meat is bringing in business!" i tried brightening the mood but it was no use. if they were going to be this sulky, least i could do was help. and that started with going over to mickey's house. 


i stood anxiously in front of their home, observing the outside and the decorations they had for terry, who was coming home from prison apparently. 

"hey want to see a movie?" mandy asked me as if she hadn't been mad with me a few days ago.

"where's mickey" i frantically interrupted her. 

"downstate picking up our dad from prison? why? " she furrowed her eyebrows. i barged right past her to the room with a sign that says 'stay the fuck out' 

"what the hell Orli what are you doing?" she followed me around as i tried to look for the gun.

"mickey will kill you" i tossed his bed and rummaged through his drawers, ignoring mandys comments. 

"what do you want?" she yelled once again and i continued to ignore. 

"ORLI!" i finally snapped, realised what i was doing. 

"he hit kash and won't stop robbing us, ok?" i answered before going back to pulling his room apart one by one. 

"just go, i'll put everything back together" she helped me up while i was panting. 

"tell him it ends NOW. no more messing with us" i yelled 

"tell him i want the gun back. tonight" i placed my hands on her shoulders and gave her a fakish smile before leaving the worn down house. 


i went back to work only to get lectured by Linda when little did she know, i was trying to get her dumb gun back. she also installed security cameras in every corner of the store for fuck sakes. 

but after all that i was still getting the gun back, i has to show mickey who was boss. i don't care if he hits me or anything, i know how to fight. even though i hadn't gotten myself into trouble all the years, i have four brothers and a deadbeat dad! ok, not something to brag about. 

i arrived once again at the milkovich house, observing my surroundings to see if there was anything i could use to hit mickey with. luckily there was a crowbar to my rescue and the door was way wide open for the whole world to see! 

i held the crowbar to my side in case anyone or anything  came out to get me. i slowly walked through the house, looking at how it was decorated and the things they had inside. i guess i didn't take it in before. 

i opened mickeys door and found him sleeping. he looked really peaceful and like a nice person. if only he was like that all the time. i hesitated before going to poke him with the crowbar but when i did, all my confidence from before faded away and i was now scared shitless. 

"what the fuck" his raspy voice caught me off guard while he moved around a little.

"i want the gun back mickey" i held the crowbar by my side. 

"Gallagher?" he squinted his eyes at me 

"the gun" i raised my voice a little higher and shoved the crowbar in his face. 

"alright" i thought he surrendered and was actually going to be reasonable but that was until he grabbed the crowbar and flung it against the room. 

i went to grab it but he pulled me by the waist and threw my onto his bed. i got up quickly and put him in a chokehold as we started to move around a little, him trying to get out of my grasp. i was surprisingly strong is mickey couldn't get out of my hold against him. i threw him onto the floor and picked up the crowbar but he got up and pushed me back until i hit his bed again.

we tossed and turned until i finally had him pinned down- crowbar in his face and i was sitting pretty much on his face. we panted for a few seconds as the crowbar was still in his face. i realised that this was about to get very sexual- very fast, he caught on and got up from under me removing his shirt.

i removed my shirt and tossed it behind me, staring at mickey. he pinned me down to the bed and started to undo his pants. what the fuck was i doing? can't say i wasn't enjoying it but i knew it couldn't happen. 


"we can't" i avoided eye contact with him.

"the fuck" he panted 

"why" he said trying to get me to look at him.


i was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and terry started coughing his way to the toilet, hobbling. mick and i stayed in the exact position we were in and didn't move, hoping terry wouldn't notice. 

he started pissing and farting, all while smoking. damn these milkovich's. 

i finally looked up at mick who had a worried look on his face, once he saw i was staring at him he gave me a 'what the fuck are you doing' glare. i furrowed my eyebrows as terry came back into the room. 

"mandys making eggs" he said, but then turned his head to mick and i. 

"don't do that shit while i'm in the house- and put some fucking clothes on" he motioned to mick and i as he left the room. mick rolled off of me to lay down next to me while we both processed what just happened. 

we laid down there for a while, silently before i finally got up to put my shirt on, mickey doing the same. i saw the gun on the bed and turned around to look at mickey, who looked a little flushed. 

my heart took over my head and i leaned in to kiss him, but was rejected in the worst way possible. 

"kiss me and i'll cut your fucking tongue out" he turned around walking out to his living room.

i hollowed my eyebrows at him in confusion.  i was about to have sex but i hadn't even had my first kiss yet . what the fuck?

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