thirty three- pleasurable pain

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some times gone by and things have been going smooth so far- ian got out of bed finally and he was in his 'high' phase at the moment. i'm pretty much living with mick now and i told ian he could stay with us whenever he wanted, in case he went through a low phase or something. 

fiona's got a job at this pie place so we can eat for free pretty much whenever we want, that's great. lip's back in college and debbie and carl are doing god knows what. 

"why's the baby crying?" mickey stood in the living room, doing up his tie.

"look at you" i turned to face him from the kitchen, i received the middle finger in return to which i smirked to.

"oh! diaper full of poop" svet handed the baby to mick. 

"is that what happened" mick cooed and i rushed over there, taking Yev from his hands.

"we don't want you covered in baby shit on your first day of work" i sung, svet went to fix mickey's tie but his eyes stayed on mine, smiling. 

"baked eggs in the oven" svet called.

"hey moron, truck ready?" mick asked iggy who was practically drooling over nika's tits. 


"you stare any longer i chop your dicks off" nika replied and we all chuckled. 

"time to go play nicey nice with surrogates, meet them at the ultrasound" svet chucked her cardigan on

"they still think you're a kindergarten teacher?" i cringed while changing yev's nappy

"wheels on the bus go round and round" she smirked.

"amazing what people with money will pay for" mick laughed, walking over to her. 

"after ultrasound i go open rub n tug. you feed yev breakfast and you go to grocery store" she looked back to me

"got it" i sarcastically replied as she came over to kiss my cheek. 

"let's go" mick called out to the boys. 

"no no guns, hardware. not that kind of job" svet went to kiss micks cheek too.

"i'll meet you at the place later" mick looked back to me as i walked over, grabbing his tie and kissing his cheek slowly. 

"i'll be there" i cradled yev while a smile formed on his face. 

"better be" he walked away with a smug look on his face. i couldn't help but stand there helplessly, helplessly in love. 


later that day i went on a run with fiona and ian, you know to catch up on things. 

"a yoga studio in this neighbourhood?" fiona questioned as we ran past, i strolled liam and Yev in this nifty double stroller svet bought.

"probably a front for some drug laundering operation." ian answered. 

"hey ian, you have a chance to call that doctor?" fiona looked to him and i gave her a 'not now' look.

"you know.... the one from the clinic" ian stayed silent as fiona pushed. 

"no no, i'm good" he laughed

"well the best time to go is probably when you're feeling good." 

"why is that?" he asked he like he didn't already know.

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now