twenty nine- black and blue

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the past few days i've been staying at the gallaghers because svetlana and her stupid baby. like you the fucjs knows if it's even mine. 

"you want some juice?" fiona babbles with liam as he was hiding in the closet.

"no, we're all out. hey can you tell whoever's been going to the store som eggs- and tabasco" i stood in the kitchen as i downed the carton.

"you live here now?" carl ran down the stairs 

"wife problems, Orli said i could crash on the floor"

"this isn't a shelter" lip walked past with liam in his arms.

"no shit, shelter has better water pressure" i fired back as lip went upstairs. 


i sat up from my bed and immediately felt a headache coming on as lip came in with liam, not sure why. 

"late night?" he made conversation.

"Ian keeps dragging me to his work.... says he wants me to meet people." 

"so mickey..." 

"what about him?" i felt as if he were going to tell me off for having him here.

"well he's still here..." 

"um yeah" i stood up and , changing my shirt

"for how long?" i replied with an oh while liam babbled.

"are you sure that's a good idea?" 

"mhm coffee!" ignored him, rushing down the stairs.


today we decided it was going to be a sort of chill day, i hung out with ian and mickey at home. people started dropping the college topic which was good- because i didn't want to go back. i don't

"whatcha doin ian?" i chuckled sarcastically. 

"making shorts, for work" he cut his army pants while mickey came down the stairs

"so do the trolls at the club get off on the general patton fantasy" mickey threw his arm over mine, not realising he did and i smiled, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"more like seal team six" 

"excuse me" i replied pretending to be offended just as we heard a knock on the door. i tapped mick's arm so he would let me go and once he actually realised what he did he cringed to himself, trying to make sure i couldn't see.

"where is he" svetlana barged in with what seems to be mickey's child in her arms. 

"the fuck you want?" 

"so your sister knows where you are but not mother of your child?" ian and i could tell shit was going to go down so we went to sit in the kitchen.

"when you coming home?" we eavesdropped on their conversation.

"not coming home" we saw that he got up so we turned our heads back to face each other, acting like we were having an interesting conversation. 

"seven pounds six ounces, weight of your child if you care" she followed him while he followed us. 

"fat little fuck isnt he" i snorted out mickeys comment but hid it with a sneeze, earning looks from the three.

"i do everything i can so he doesn't turn into piece of shit like you" 

stealing her purityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang