forty three- escape

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Jamie Milkovich kidnapped me?!! 

i thought that fucker was long gone, i hadn't thought about that episode in the airport in so long and only NOW he decides to come after me? 

"hello... yoo hoo, shit for brains?" he snaps his fingers in front of my face, taking me out of my trance. 

"what the actual-"

"you like the van? i think it's pretty cool. the air conditioner works well too! dad bought it for my birthday..... why didn't you wish me?" he laughed

"wish you?" i made a face of disgust as listened to the man before me. 

"yeah well, i can't blame you, leaving that prissy college and all. I'm glad i got out too, now i can be back where i grew up!" he exclaimed.

"w-what do you mean... back?" i understood what he said but i wanted to hear it from him

"southside, back a' the yards. you know i grew up here too, although i look like i stepped outta new york" he tried putting on an accent.

"yeah.. right. um what exactly are you doing with me here?" i tugged on the rope that held my hands and feet in place. 

"oh yeah! i just wanted to drop in, say hi." 

"yeah and you had to hold me hostage for that?" i snapped. 

"listen it's easier this way, plus more fun" he winked.

"well are you like.... gonna let me go?" 

"um, I'll see." he thought about it for a second before placing the tape over my mouth, leaving me on the floor of the surprisingly clean vehicle. 


"MICKEY!" i heard Fiona's voice from downstairs and i rushed to get my jacket, soon joining them.

"you ready? let's go" she asked before i could answer.

"what are we doing about Sammi?" i deadpanned. 

"she's here?" fiona frowned

"that's how you know. she drinks our soda and leaves the cap off" Debbie motioned to the drink in front of us.

"bitch is in the basement packing her shit right now to head upstate. that's her moving crate out front." 

"We can't just let her go, for carl and Orli's sake. debs threw her hands in the air

"she has money for a moving crate?" fiona sighed

"excuse me! coming through!" we all gave Sammi a dirty as she entered through the back door with boxes in her hands. 

"need a little help with that?" i stood in her way as she got closer, eyeing her down

"no thanks," she smiled.

"Are you sure?" i gripped onto the box and began to walk her backwards. 

"yes, I'm sure you inbred hoodlum piece of wet dog shit" her tone changed as she pulled a gun on me. i smirked at her dumb move.

"if you have something to say, go ahead! I didn't think so" she held the gun closer 

"excuse me while i go visit my son who thanks to all of you, is in juvie and will probably spend his 14th birthday there! after that I'll finish packing and in the morning,  I'll be gone... that work for you" she tossed the gun into her box, shoving past us.

"you bet" fiona sarcastically chirped.

"family sucks ass!" she whined as she stormed off. 


stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now