forty- crazy

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my head thumped in the rhythm of my heartbeat, groaning as I opened my eyes after an exhausting sleep. i looked to my side to see mickey drowning himself in beer cans- reason; unknown.

"hey," i murmured as I rubbed my sleep-deprived eyes. 

"sup" he flopped onto the bed beside me. 

"um.... what you doing?" I sarcastically chuckled as I sat up on the bed, leaning my head against the headboard. 

"The fuck it look like?" he took a long sip and threw an empty can across the room, landing in the bin. 

"Ian's getting out today, you coming with?" 

"not to the nutjob psych ward, I'm not. fuck that place is weird- reminds me of shit you know?" 

"yeah, no same. I'll just drop by later, come if you want" i stood up and put on my clothes, giving him a smile before leaving. 


"Hey look who's home!" the door burst open and Fiona's voice echoed throughout the house as we cocked our heads to see who was here.

"Ian!!" I ran up to him despite the glum look on his face and gave him a long hug, hearing him chuckle slightly. 

"Well would you look at this, it's like a great big family reunion. there's more than enough food for everyone" Sammi beamed as she worked the kitchen.

"ian!" Liam ran over and clutched onto his legs, hugging them like a stuffed teddy bear.

"want some coffee ian?" lip asked as he began to make a few for us.

"oh no, I'm tired. just need to lay down for a bit" he wasn't lying, you could see it in his eyes. we all nodded and let him be, sending him smiles as he made his way upstairs. 

"he's totally Monica" debs exclaimed.

"without the great ass" frank added on, to which I rose my brow.

"he's just overmedicated for now debs, don't worry I'm moving back in for a little while and gonna keep an eye on him." fi set her tote bag on the table.

"uh i don't understand, I got this now and I thought you were married?" Sammi cleaned franks wound while speaking.

"I am but family comes first"

"you got married?" frank questioned, sounding like a child.

"but your husband is you family" she nodded her head, trying to prove her point.

"Okay...fine. but gus is going on tour with his band so it-

"oh my god! you can't let him go without you" Sammi was trying to stick around here- act like she was our mother so she could live here and not in her shitty van. it seemed as I was the only one picking up on it and that's a little disappointing. 

i ran up to my room in an attempt to look for my old high school books, which was a fail because I forgot everything had been moved around meaning all my shit was probably kicked under a bed or shoved in a closet. 

i had to sudden urge to do something to take my mind off the problems that had been thrown onto our family at once and schoolwork always seemed to do the trick. i scrambled to the boy's room, throwing the place apart and completely forgetting ian was sleeping right behind me. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" i turned my head once I heard ian groan and throw the blanket over his head.

"you got any water?" he choked a little and sat up as I passed him the closest bottle of Gatorade i could find. 

"what's it feel like.. you know" i wanted to make conversation with him seeing as we had missed out on some time together.

"um... like I'm under a wet blanket and cottonmouth" he sipped as I went to sit on the edge of the bed. 

"they give you shock therapy?" it was a question I have always wanted to know the answer to. 

"no" he rose both his eyebrows.

"could be me next you know... I'm boning mickey Milkovich" i joked around, realising how dumb that sounded in person. 

"doesn't make you crazy" he had a small smile on his face

"what about pushing someone on the tracks when the trains coming? ever thought about that?" 


"anyway, you should come by later. you know, when you're feeling it. i bet Yev would be happy to see you" little did I know there was no more Yev, I had been to caught up in my own life to realise Svet took him away from mick, away from us. 

"Yeah, yeah maybe" he nodded and fell back onto the bed, falling asleep in seconds.

"love you big brother" i whispered while rubbing his leg, leaving shortly after. 


"debs?" the younger sister burst into the room where mick and I hung. he was doing god knows what with a guitar and I was studying random subjects for no reason at all -his rock music was somehow calming, and maybe the fact he was wearing nothing underneath.

"listen.. FUCK LISTEN" she screamed over the music which caused me to look up, mickey not paying attention. 

"IAN FLUSHED ALL HIS FRICKIN MEDS DOWN THE TOILET" i got up to stand next to her and tried to read whatever she was holding. 

"the fuck do we do?" I panicked, looking back to mickey who was still off in his own little world. 

"mick" i called out once, hoping for a response.

"MICKEY" i kicked him in the knee a little causing him to look up with a confused look on his face.

"can you help me get these drugs?" debs threw the boy the zip lock bag with the prescriptions inside, eyeing it down once he received it. 

"IGGY, iggy!" the other Milkovich brother came into the room, eyeing us down as doing so.

"can you get that shit?" he tossed him the bag.

"Who the fuck gets high on lithium? no one.." he walked a little closer to hear us better

"so?" Debbie questioned.

"so i can't get them, no market for it" he shook his head and tossed me the bag

"Hey, I'll take some fucking crack" Iggy laughed and left the room while mickey stood there with an unamused expression on his face.

"fine, are you guys coming down to see Ian?" 

"yeah...maybe later, got stuff to do" i motioned to the work on the bed to which Debbie made a 'wow' face with her eyes. 

"pretty fucking busy peppermint patty" i scolded mickey and Debbie turned off his music, making him look up at us annoyingly.

"frank used to drink like this when Monica was around.. they would fight and he would angry drink. don't make the same mistake as him" Debbie calmed down and left the room without saying bye.

"thought i wasn't the only once who noticed it" i muttered and looked down to my books, skimming over my work. i slammed back down into the bed, grabbing my head in frustration. 

"Hey hey, what's wrong" mickey set his guitar down, sitting down on the bed and leaning his face over mine, forgetting he was naked. but I ignored it as all my frustrations and problems flooded my brain. 

"fucking ian, and Sammi and her dumb kid...frank and ...fuck" i sighed but went silent when mickey's lips found mine, making me silent. i happy sighed into the kiss as his hand found the side of my face, rubbing his thumb in circles.

 i detached my lips and rest my forehead on his, smiling as we stayed in silence with each other- never knew a Milkovich would know how to calm me down this easily. 

ill start writing about mick and orli soon, I just had to go along with the bipolar storyline. 

stealing her purityUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum