twenty one- just admit it

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patrick, our beloved cousin.. i think? well he held an official funeral for aunt ginger where he scattered her ashes on her  corner- whatever that was supposed to mean. lip told me that he had her will notarized and he was going to kick us out but i couldn't tell any of the kids yet..

i also asked mick and his brothers if they could scare him away, but it was no use. this guy was stubborn. we all sat in our kitchen table while his workers removed our toilet. it was pleasant because he just dropped it in our living room. 

but don't worry, all was okay once debbie pulled the child predator card on tony the cop, and well, he took care of it. 


"you don't get why i have a problem with this?" lip and mandy bickered in front of ian and i as we walked the halls of our high school.

"Orli ian you get why?" he turned around to face us

"oh we're not getting involved" i chuckled sarcastically.

"why are you being such a dick those applications are 90 pages long, took me forever to fill out." she whined

"walk. the. fuck. away" she stopped as karen came right past us, oh yeah she was back for good. i noticed karen giving me a glare as i walked with them.

"wow you- you're not my mother" lip formed a gap in between us three where he spoke to her rudely. i walked back a little dragging ian behind so he would listen to me.

"ian is he really not gonna go?" i focused my gaze on them.

"i don't think so but that doesn't mean you won't go either" he laughed

"don't worry i'm going." i rolled my eyes as i saw lip storm away. 

"think he's right?" i turned my attention to mandy. all we did was shrug because we didn't know what the right answer would be- for her.

"men are never right, that's why women were invented- to think for you assholes" she hit my arm as she glared at ian. i caught on and started nodding my head vigorously, agreeing. 

"i mean look at mickey- marrying some whore  he knocked up" 

"wh-what?" i turned to look at ian while mandy rambled on

"men, are WEAK and STUPID. even the goods ones- especially  the good ones. i'm not gonna watch lip fuck up his life the way mickey is" she yelled as she walked into her class while ian followed, shrugging. i stared into blank space as everyone made their way to their classes- leaving me standing in the halls alon, trying to comprehend what she said. 

well i did eventually come to class, where i got called out for being late. i took my seat directly behind mandy and next to ian. i waited so the class was quiet and we were reading a book so i could take my chance to ask about mickey. 

"is mickey seriously getting married?" i tapped her back but she didn't bother to turn around- instead leaning back.

"yeah like in a couple of weeks" 

"jesus.. to who- i didn't even know he was seeing anyone.." i fidgeted with my sleeve

"well i don't think he was seeing her as much as he was doing her" she now turned around to give me a 'sexy' smile.

"so why's he marrying her?"

"she's knocked up" she gave me one of those obviously  looks.

"so.. i don't get it. is you're dad making him?" 

"i don't know why do you give a shit" she started getting a little pissed so i decided to shut up

"everything okay?" ian gave me a smile

"everything's perfect" i gave a forced one back, now reading the book i had already read  100 times in front of me.


after school i decided to go back to the place i found mickey in a few days ago, seeing if he would talk to me. this time it was quiet. no gunshots or swearing, nor bottle breaking. it was a peaceful silence that i had found myself getting comfortable with. 

"so it's true? you're getting married?" i entered the rooftop level once again, leaning on the cracked pillar beside me. 

"so uh who is it.. angie zahgo?" i got no reply as mick sat against the wall, drinking. 

"or is it some other piece of trash you screw you so can pretend i don't matter to you. " my voice cracked as i started slowly walking over to him. as a response he threw the beer cap over to the other side.

"hey what the FUCK gallagher" mickey finally spoke us as i threw an empty beer bottle, letting out my anger.

"OH. he SPEAKS" i yelled as mickey got up to leave, me following.

"so that's it.. we're over" we reached the ground level

"you're dad beats the shit out of us and you're just gonna get married? no conversation? nothing?" i pulled his shoulders towards me but only got pushed off.

"hey-" i tried to go in and kiss him but was shoved back again

"get the fuck off me"

"you wanna bash, that make you feel like a man?" 

"come on, GO AHEAD AND DO IT" i got up in his face but he ended up doing nothing. i ended up slapping him but still =, he did nothing. 

"fuck" he muttered as he turned around to drink.

"you love me. just admit it, just this once- FUCKING admit it" i yelled as he came to a stop, turning around and throwing the now empty bottle to the ground.

"what- do you feel like a man?" 

"i do now" and just like that he left me there, standing like a hopeless, lost child. 

i stood there for a while before gathering up the courage to leave. it was a painful walk home and i hoped nobody would be and luckily god decided to be on my side today when the house was uneasily empty. i ran up to my room and laid down on my bed, hoping to squeeze in a quick power nap. 

but that was useless once i heard family members barge in through the door, one by the one.

the house was now filled with laughs, jokes and mentions about a gift basket while i lay in my room, trying to crying myself to sleep. 

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now