five- stealer

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veronica and kevin's wedding was a few days ago. well it was fake. apparently it was so they could get some money from her dad but they ended up getting 500 bucks. unlucky. actually us gallagher would kill to have that money right now, things were tight.  

i was at work again, i mean when am i ever not? Linda was stressing about someone stealing? i never noticed a difference but it is her store and i don't think she'd lie but what do i know..

"you're short again" Kash came from the back as she was about to lecture him. i was eavesdropping on their conversation while sweeping the floors. 


"inventory, gone. out the door without being paid for" she flicked through the papers on her clipboard. 

"soup, beer, chips, cigarettes, lollipops, salt-"

"people are stealing salt Kash what the hell!" her voice grew louder the angrier she got.

"the shoplifting is out of hand. $320 in one week? this is not a food bank!" Kash stayed silent as he got lectured by his own wife. once again, pathetic. 

"what are you doing when all this thievery is taking place?"

"fucking an underage boy" i muttered under my breath. Linda looked back at me then back to Kash.

"you playing brick breaker on her phone?" thank god i don't think she heard what i said.

"do i need to fix the security cameras?" she boomed

"that's a $2500 bill that we can't afford."

"do me a favour while i take the kids to school, grow a pair" and with that she slammed the clipboard in front of him and stormed out of the store. 

"oof Kash still getting lectures by his wife" i taunted while giggling.

"get back to work" he rolled his eyes and went onto his phone. a short while after Linda left the last person i wanted to see on this earth walked in. 

mickey walked over to me and gave me a hard stare and i stared at him back before i decided to break the silence.

"we're um, cool right?" 

"fuck off" he towered over me and took whatever was behind me on the shelves. i swear goosebumps never rose on my skin so fast as i thought he was going to hit me or... something else. 

he made his way to the counter and grabbed the box in front of Kash to fill up what he was 'buying'. i dropped my mop and just stood there watching, i had to make sure he wouldn't do anything bad.

"mickey!" i yelled and walked over to him.

"you gonna pay for that?" i figured i wasn't really scared of him anymore, he had the chance to hit me and he didn't take it. 

"heads up, you're outta BBQ pringles." he smirked at me and left. 

"hey did mickey pay for that" ian came from behind me and shook my shoulder as i shook my head slowly. 

"you have to stand up to him" he turned his head to kash, who was just sitting there like an idiot.

"what am i supposed to say" really?

"how about cut the shit or i'll call the cops" i bickered from behind Ian.

"tried that once with his father" Kash dropped his head

"his father is in prison now, all right" Ian reassured him.

"i don't need any new enemies"

"it's not about enemies it's about doing what's fucking right god!" i yelled at him and walked to the door but got pushed to the side but mickey who barged right back in.

"fuck you milkovich!" his head snapped and he raced back over to me, backing me into the door.

"what'd you fucking say?!" he snapped in my face

"mickey!" ian yelled not really wanting to get in the way 

"i said fuck you" i spat in his face. i didn't care if ge was about to hit me or do shit to me, i had so much anger boiled up in me since Kash and Frank and just everyone. 

mickey looked me up and down for a minute before backing away. i just stood at the door exchanging looks with Kash and Ian while he went to grab a dip.

"forgot the dip" he looked over at kash with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. when he got to me he stood there for a minute, before i finally moved out of the way. i figured i'd just get him another time. wasn't really up for a fight. 

"jesus Orli" Ian said before shoving past me, Kash and i following. 

"hey mickey why don't you steal from a neighbourhood you don't live in?" ian started

"have some civic pride huh?" i stood next to him, crossing my arms. 

"hey jesus, fuck!" we both yelled as mickey thru the dip at us. 

"you know where i live if you have a problem" he turned around and walked away with the shit he stole. 

"here, go to the store and replace that stuff he stole" Kash handed me a 50.

"we're cowards" ian spoke

"we're smart men in a stupid world" kash walked back in the store

"yeah he's totally the smart man" i muttered as Ian laughed, nudging me. 

"i'm really surprised he didn't you know... do anything to you" Ian started walking.

"he gave me the weirdest look, i don't know how to explain it..." i looked to the ground.

"hey weird question but have you ever..."

"have i what?" we jogged up the stairs to the L

"i have a feeling that you've never done it"

"it it? i laughed

"yesss" he dragged his words along

"well that feeling would be correct" i chuckled, panting. 

"what! you're like the only gallagher- apart from debbie carl and liam but, you've never!?"

"please don't tell Lip. i definitely don't feel like getting made fun of tonight." i sighed

"wait have you done, anything?" he asked again. what was with his questions?


"oral?" he began


"finger banged?" 

"god Ian stop" i covered my face in embarrassment and started laughing.

"have you ever kissed someone before?" he just kept going.

"what's with all the questions" i shoved him as the L started to arrive. 

"well i know everything about Lip and so do you.. i figure both of us don't know as much as we know about each other as we know about you" we started boarding the busy train

"i had a stroke trying to figure out what you said" i laughed

"well you're boys, and i find it awkward to talk about this kind of shit you know?" 

"you're like, the innocent gallagher." he started laughing as we sat down.

"shut up" we started pushing each other receiving weird looks from people on the train. 

oh well, we have a special bond... get over it?

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now