thirty two- we know what it is

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i stirred around in my sleep, feeling like i was caged in by something. the room blurred a little as i began to wake up, finding an arm around me- it couldn't be?.....

mick's arm was placed around body and his front pressed against my back, making me let out a happy sigh. i slowly let his arm off me and sat up, staring at the boy in front of me. i placed my hand on his temple, slowly rubbing it while he was in a peaceful sleep. 

"so you are staying here now huh?" i jumped a little when i left the room for a smoke but instead found svetlana- expect she had red hair. 

"the fuck you do to your hair?" 

"i dye." she stood up and walked over to me, revealing what was under her cardigan. 

"what the fuck" she stood completely naked, sort of almost looking like me in a way. 

"your boyfriend. he like ginger no?" she smirked.

"no- yes! i- fucking put that away!" i coughed, gesturing to her that i didn't want to see her naked body. it was like she didn't understand me because she stood there, smirking and raising her eyebrows at my yelling. 

"fucking PUT IT AWAY" she took a long hit of the smoke and covered herself, leaning against the odd pillar in the room. 

"you love him?" her voice dropped, almost as if she were sad.

"maybe.... i don't know" my face of disgust remained as i spoke to her. 

"because you're ginger no?" 

"fuck- i don't know why don't you ask him!" i snapped at her, looking to the ground. 

"i hate the penis" she put out her smoke and walked over to the kitchen. 

"ugly fucking skin stick" i chuckled at her words.

"always trying to get in where it doesn't belong" ok now she sounded pissed

"suka! maybe i like girls" she banged the coffee pot against the wood. 

"america, it's land of choices yes?" she walked back over and handed me a mug. 

"hold on.. you're lesbian?" i stopped her mid rant.

"maybe yes maybe no" she fumbled with the cutlery. 

"morning" mandy peered, half naked also.

"nika from tug shop- she wants to take care of me"

"blonde with the lazy eye?" i had no idea how i knew that. 

"she plays trumpet, strong tongue" she winked as yevgeny started crying. 

"but baby no choose... maybe is me and baby is ukrainian pussy." she got up and left to comfort Yev. 

"we must take care of him, not just me. otherwise i wait until you sleep and stab you and pussy boyfriend in the heart with screwdrivers and i watch you bleed until you die. no more bullshit about baby" she handed me Yev and i furrowed by brows, not really having any clue what to do with the baby in my arms.  


later that day i got a call from debbie saying to come home immediately- no details...nothing. i was thinking it was just going to be some bullshit about frank but i was very very wrong. 

"debs?" mick and i yelled through the somewhat empty house.  took his hand and ran up the stairs, only to find her and carl standing at their bedroom door. 

stealing her purityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin