one- mandy milkovich.

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"7:15 monkeys up and at em'" my older sister fiona waked into each and every one of our rooms in attempt to wake us all. 

"hey girls, up lets go go" she hustled into my room- which i shared with my younger sister and brother, where i was tossing and turning. i could just tell today was going to be a bad day. 

"ORLI!!!!" debbie threw pillows at me but i just wouldn't budge. it was then she dangled liam above my head and just like that, i was up.

"alright alright fine you got me" i placed my hands up in defeat groaning. it was then i realised i had to rush to the bathroom before the boys got there. 

"I CALL DIBS!!" i pushed past the red haired girl- who looked way to much like me, and locked myself in the bathroom. i heard cuss words and groans from the outside and i smirked to myself. 

i was a little different to the rest of my siblings. mostly because i didn't want the ghetto to get to me. simply, i didn't want to be like the rest of the people in this shitty neighbourhood. i wanted to actually make something of myself. i wanted to be better than the rest and you could say that made a tinge bit cocky, which was definitely a quality i shared with some of my siblings. 

i left the bathroom all dazzled up, just to annoy my brothers. they flipped me off and slammed the door behind them as i walked down the stairs to get breakfast. 

"you workin' today?" the older Gallagher asked me, rushing around the kitchen. 

"yeah, ian and i will go in after school." i replied, stuffing food into my face. 

"oo gotta run" i dumped my food in the sink and ran up the stairs to get the boys. 

"boys let's go!" i yelled shoving my boots and coat on.

"if you hadn't taken forever maybe we wouldn't be rushing" ian grumbled and followed after me, Lip doing the same. we all left the house and walked miserably to our poor school. 


"the colonial soldiers served what by declaring.." 

i was currently in Mr bancrofts class, history.

as much as i loved study or whatever, i hated history. the teacher is a perv, literally. 

i sat behind ian who seemed to not be paying attention to the class at all so i started kicking his chair, you know out of boredom. 

"don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes" the pervert leaned over to a girl in front of ian, mandy milkovich. 

she was- okay.. i guess. a bit clingy at times though. not that i have any experience, just things i heard around. 

it was then i peeped over ians shoulder to see that the man had a stiffy- for a student!

"you should kick your bag, make him trip" i whispered over and he chuckled, actually doing what i say.

now i'm not one for seeing people enjoying getting hurt, but he deserved is. 

"oh shit!" he stumbled backwards and fell onto the hard, sticky floor. students laughed at the situation before their eyes and ian and i chuckled, looking away. mandy turned around to see me moving ian's bag back and she caught on to see that it was me, or him that helped her out. she looked back at us and gave ian a flirty smile, while i glared at her. with that smile, now i know what i had gotten him into. 

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