seventeen- kid fucker

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when i got home from work, i heard that debbie was riding the city bus with fiona and apparently some sicko whacked off to her. right now we we're all looking at a map of the south side full of red dots- rapist, pedophiles, sex offenders.... 

"all those red dots are sex offenders in our neighbourhood?" the troubled girl asked us.

"wait check this out, child rapist, three blocks over" lip clicked on a dot which was taken by the name of blake collins. 

"damn she did five years and is out on probation" i rose my brow.

"how does a child rapist get five years?" mandy quiried

"he doesn't he gets five years and the beating of his life" lip shut the laptop 

"let's go" ian said as we started to rush out of the house.

"thought we were gonna fix the pool?" carl tugged on the sleeve of my jumper

"no grab the bat" i gestured for him

"you want help? my dad loves a good posse" mandy smirked

"so we're just forgetting about the guy on the bus?" debbie started to get a little agitated 

"hell no. i'm gonna teach you self defense, milkovich style" mandy whipped out her baton while debbie smiled like a little kid who had candy.

"yeah let's go" mandy ran upstairs while lip, ian, carl and i walked out of the mad house.

we decided we were going to need more people to beat up a pedophile, so us four decided to find the family that terrorizes the most...

"the fuck you want?" terry asked as we talked over to him while he was enjoying a game of pool.

"convicted child rapist just moved in down the street" lip said as we exchanged looks with the elder man

"let's get the boys" is all it took terry to agree with this mission of ours. 

and there we were, us milkovich's and Gallagher's taking up a whole street carrying all sorts of weapons. 

"the fuck is this little parade?" one of the neighbors said

"kid fucker, next block" after that our parade began to expand with all sorts of people joining us. 

"may i help you?"  a blonde woman answered the door, leaving us all puzzled. 

"we're looking for blake collins" terry said from beside me

"i'm.. blake collins" she nervously chuckled and sighed, knowing that this was bound to happen sooner of later

"oh shit.. you're the eighth grade teacher who screwed her student, right?" i motioned for terry to hand me a joint. 

"you were on TV" i gave a devious smirk, taking a long, much needed hit 

"i didn't screw william. i loved him" she plainly said

"and i did my time, i paid for my mistakes." i placed the joint behind my ear, pretending to listen to the bullshit that came out from her mouth

"if love can be called a mistake" i slowly glanced at my side to take a look at mickey, who was already looking at me. once he noticed he turned back to face blake, seeming a little frazzled. 

"i'm sure there are real criminals you can beat up if you had the inclination" she crossed her arms and leant against the door

"now please, may i close the door?" her voice shook a little. 

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now