three- all is good- i think.

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that night i had fallen asleep at the end of ian's bed after a long night of chatting. i woke up to peace and quiet which was strange- and the boys were up before me so that was also pretty strange. i looked in the bathroom and didn't find them so i went to check downstairs. halfway down i noticed the bat was gone and it only took me a few seconds before i realised what was happening. i threw on my boots and coat and got the hell out of there. 

i ran to the milkovich house and stood at the end of the street- scanning around for my older brothers.

"Orli!" Lip whisper yelled and motioned for me to come and hide behind the bins with them.

"what the fuck are you doing?" i yelled but Ian covered my mouth with his hand.

"quiet!" Lip whispered again.

"so what's the plan" i mumbled with Ian's hand still over my mouth.

"hit mickey over the head with the bat when he comes out" Ian replied almost instantly, removing his hand from my mouth.

"what about the other brothers?" i questioned. 

"they'll probably beat him to death" Lip chuckled.

"i'll fight them off while you run" Lip spoke again picking up a brick

"boys, this is my problem. not yours. i'll figure something out." i sighed

"there's no way in hell i'm letting my sister get beaten to death by a thug. plus it will be fun, we owe them one." they both said. 

just as soon as we were going to go over there, the door opened to reveal mandy coming out. we made faces at each other and somehow were all thinking the same thing. ian and i ran of and left Lip behind the bins so we could go and talk to mandy. 

"mandy. mandy hey" i panted.

"get away from me bitch!" she started to run backwards. 

"we need to talk" ian said as calmly as possible.

"your dead Gallaghers. fucking dead" she yelled as she pointed her finger in our faces. she began to walk away until ian blurted something out i never thought he would tell anyone else.

"i'm gay" he panted. i looked up at him and hit his arm, he gave me a 'what' look.

mandy took Ian and i's arm and pulled us in the direction of the park. 

"for how long?" she questioned as we both walked behind her.

"i don't know. my whole life i guess. maybe since justin timberlake." he chuckled.

"ew" i exclaimed. 

"j.c chasez" mandy smirked looking to me. 

"you kidding he's totally gay"

"no he isn't" i butted in. damn i am a third wheel. 

"ha hello. yes he is" ian smiled.

"are you sure you're not just making this up?"

"about j.c chasez?" 

"no.. about being.. gay." mandy's voice softened.

"in this neighbourhood.. why would i make that up?"

"look, you, Lip and Orli are the only ones that know, all right?" he sighed. 

"i won't tell anyone" she replied 

"thanks" he nodded and looked back at me, where i was dragging myself along behind them. mandy stopped to walk over to me while she looked at ian.

"it's just that.. i thought you were making this up so i would call my brothers off.. or..." she faced me suddenly.

"i don't know.. maybe you think i'm like ugly or something" she faced ian again, stopping in her tracks. ian looked back at her and stopped to.

"mandy.. you're beautiful." i cringed behind them and ian chuckled a little.

"ugh it has nothing to do with the way you look he's just not wired that way" i sighed, finally speaking up while earning a look from mandy.

ian walked over to her and grabbed her boobs while she grabbed his dick. i started making coughing noises so they would notice that i'm still there.

"see nothing! can we just do" i said a little too loudly and softened my voice at the end. they laughed and dragged me over to the swings. mandy and i sat on them as ian pushed the both of us. 

"i could pretend to be your girlfriend at school" mandy looked back at ian.

"ah then no one would ever give you a hard time" i said and they chuckled. 

"you'd do that for me?" he questioned a little out of breath.

"sure, it'll keep the creepy guys away from me" 

"besides" she spoke again

"i've never actually had a real boyfriend before" she grabbed his hand while we were still swinging higher and higher.

"not that you'd be a real boyfriend but a boyfriend i could do things with" we all chuckled a little 

"instead of you know, just getting finger banged all the time" 

"mandy!!" i laughed. 


Mandy came back to our house and she sat on Ian's bed, his legs over hers. i sat on the floor and lip sat on his bunk. we were all having fun and i completely forgot about Mickey and how he was probably going to kill me. 

fiona knocked on the door but just barged in instead of waiting for us to actually reply. 

"hey, above the covers" i started laughing out of control and i received weird looks from all around the room, lip motioning for me to cut it out. i forgot Fiona didn't know he was gay. 

"you look nice" i yelled she left the room, still laughing. 

"thank you" she yelled back. Lip and i exchanged glances before looking at mandy and ian on the bed. we all started giggling and it was one of the nicest, chilled nights i had in a long time. 

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