twenty four- no turning back.

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"morning" i dragged out the 'ing' as i walked down the stairs with ian- him being in ROTC uniform.

"looking sharp ian" debbie replied as she sat at the dining table.

"what you got ROTC on the last day before christmas break?" lip questioned

"they're having some sort of winter ceremony and for some reason i have to go" i answered as i grabbed our bags, quickly leaving. 

"yo G.I jane" lips voice called out as we walked the back streets

"we don't wanna be late" he walked a little fast as lip caught up

"Orli, glad to see you out of bed" lip gave me a side hug

"well we thought we we're gonna have to put you on suicide watch- take away your shoelaces and bedsheets" he chuckled

"no need, moved on i mean how many times you gotta hear no" i put on an act for the boys while deep down, i hadn't really moved on.

"well i guess the good thing about falling for mickey milkovich is you know you can always find someone better" ian exclaimed 

"catch up with you after school" we sent lip off as we went our separate ways. 

our walk was relatively silent, we weren't going to some ceremony. i asked ian if he could help me talk to the library to talk to an admission counsellor since the kids were using the laptop. how he found this out-  something i guess i'll never know. 

"you really going through with this?" he started the conversation

"nothing here for me anymore ian.." i sighed 

"yeah but mickey.. he's"

"ian i don't wanna hear it" i snapped, clutching onto the straps of my backpack. 

"Orli" ian spoke lowly 

"i'm going to enlist" 

"you-you're actually going to go through with it?" my voice trembled a little. 

"like you said- nothing for us here anymore" he looked to the ground.

"well if that's what you want...i can't stop you" i pat his shoulder as we arrived at the admissions counsellors hotel.

"hey.. you must be my counsellor" i found her sitting in the lounge, looking professional

"yes can we make this quick i have somewhere to be." she looked up from a her laptop.

"sure. so i have my forms and everything in here" i handed her my backpack to show her.

"is there anything else i need to do-"

"wow- Orli Gallagher. this is very impressive." she adjusted her glasses as she flicked through the forms.

"you're only 17-"

"yeah if you see here..." i pointed to another page

"i have the recommendations, SAT score and my GPA, all that" she rose her eyebrows then looked back to the page.

"i see... are you on a student loan plan or.."

"full ride" i beamed my face and she shook her head a little with a smile.

"well everything's here. you can settle in by the end of this week or you can come when school starts back up"

"i'd like to come by the end of this week" i looked to ian and he gave me a little nod

"of course." she stood up and stuck out her hand

"we won't be paying for the plane tickets" she joked around although she was serious. she stuck out her hand and i shook it as we laughed together while ian stood there awkwardly. 

stealing her purityWhere stories live. Discover now